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Releases: XanaduAI/flamingpy

FlamingPy Release 0.10.1b1

31 Aug 01:53
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New features since the last release

  • Add is_lc_equivalent method to the EGraph class to check if two EGraphs are equivalent under local complementation, as well as related linear algebra helper functions inside utils\ #89, #117 (backward compatible)
  • Add functions add_qubit and remove_qubit to the EGraph class, which allow adding and removing nodes of the EGraph while updating internal attributes of the class. #100 (backward compatible)
  • Added Plotly backend for visualizing graph states. #103
  • The I/O of frontend has been improved. The input has been simplified to an intuitive set of code, code_args, noise, and noise_args. As long as those combinations are valid, FlamingPy will run simulations and automatically set up the output file based on the input. #111 (backward incompatible)
    • An example run will be
      python flamingpy/ -code "SurfaceCode" -code_args "{'distance':3, 'ec':'primal', 'boundaries':'open'}" -noise "CVLayer" -noise_args "{'delta':0.09, 'p_swap':0.25}" -decoder "MWPM" -decoder_args "{'weight_opts':{'method':'blueprint', 'integer':False, 'multiplier':1, 'delta':0.09}}" -trials 100
      which generates
      SurfaceCode,3,primal,open,CVLayer,0.09,0.25,MWPM,{'method': 'blueprint', 'integer': False, 'multiplier': 1, 'delta': 0.09},10,100,00:15:50,0.370795,1
  • Users can now install FlamingPy from git with pip. This also means installing through python egg_info is now valid. #118 (backward compatible)

Bug fixes

  • dev_requirements was updated with the latest version of docformatter to prevent failing unit tests. #116


  • Cython example code, cpp_mc_loop.pyx, and its installation instructions were removed from everywhere as it was unused. New developers can refer to historic commits to help add new Cython files. #119

Documentation changes

  • give_for_devs.rst was updated to match the latest dev_requirements file and deletion of the Cython example. #116, #119


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Joost Bus, Luis Mantilla, Avhijit Nair, Nariman Saadatmand, smtsjhr, Ilan Tzitrin

See full commit details here.

FlamingPy Release 0.9.1b0

30 Jul 12:20
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Bug fixes since the last release

  • rng arguments are added, which were missing in CVMacroLayer. #104
  • Fix incompatibility between CodeFactor and pylint CI check. #107


  • The FlamingPy logo has been updated. #109

Documentation changes

  • Getting started page is now automatically run, preventing future out-of-date issues. #105


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Joost Bus, Josh Izaac, Luis Mantilla, Ilan Tzitrin

See full commit details here.

FlamingPy Release 0.9.0b0

01 Jul 03:08
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New features since the last release

  • A new noise model class, CVMacroLayer, is introduced as a replacement to reduce_macro_and_simulate in #57 (backward incompatible)
    • The process for running macronode-related simulations is considerably improved: the user needs only instantiate CVMacroLayer with the noise parameters of CVLayer.
    • The state labeling functions have been rewritten to be faster and more compact.
  • Added option for rectangular cuboid surface codes, i.e. lattices with different aspect ratios. #61 (backward compatible)
  • A new boundary option has been introduced for the SurfaceCode: the choice "periodic" refers to a code with boundaries periodic in all (x, y, and z) directions, whereas codes with "toric" have periodic boundaries in the x and y axis but not the z axis. #62 (backward compatible)
  • Add functions to create different graph states (star and complete graphs, ring graphs, linear clusters, and Bell pairs) in the new module utils.graph_states. #68 (backward compatible)

Bug fixes

  • Tutorial files are appropriately ignored in the pylint configuration file. #65
  • Small fix in viz.draw_EGraph that raised an error whenever a graph state with non-integer coordinates was plotted. #68
  • Remove p_err as an argument of the script as none of the existing objects/classes currently use the phase error probability. #99


  • CVLayer has been rewritten and refactored. #57
    • Lengthy functions have been broken up into more specialized methods.
    • The class is initialized with all the noise model parameters, simplifying the signatures of the methods.
    • An apply_noise method has been added to combine the procedures for noise sampling.
    • Docstrings were modified, and the public/private status of certain attributes was changed.
    • The final sampling order has been removed, as it is equivalent to initial but slower.
  • The module has been made simpler and more general. #57
    • Functions within this module accept code, noise, decoder objects, as well as arguments (code_args, noise_args, decoder_args) separately.
  • Examples, benchmarks, and tests have been modified to take advantage of the simpler approach to noise application and the new CVMacroLayer. #57
  • Added fig, ax returns for the draw methods in utils/ and some additional tests. #55
  • Added tests for EGraph plots. #60
  • Tests that required cpp libraries are skipped if they are not installed, hence avoiding failing tests from unmet dependencies. #65
  • Unit tests have been re-grouped in individual sub-dirs inside tests/ based on error correction and software layers. This helps manage and target each test unit. #65, #70
  • build_tests.yaml workflow now supports executing unit tests in parallel using pytest-xdist package. GitHub runners have at least 2 processors, which helps speed up the pytest blocks by ~1.5 times in practice. #70
  • Pylint is pinned to stable version pylint==2.14.0 and added to dev_requirements.txt. #76
    • pylint no-self-use tags are removed as this check has been removed from pylint (see here).
  • Added .gitattributes to the repository, so git automatically handles consistent eol's for all commits and contributors across different operating systems. #78
  • Increased the scope of docformatter to all .py files in the repository. Also, increased the scope of black formatter to include documentation files. #79
  • Added automatically generated .svg files to gitignore. #84
  • In #93
    • Directory argument -d was removed as it was unused. A working version can be added in the future.
    • We have removed reporting "decoding_total_time" as a more sophisticated time profiler, featuring systematic timing of all the script subroutines, is in work and will be added soon (follow its progress here).
  • Added the error_probability argument to the script in order to be able to execute the simulations with iid noise. An error is raised when iid noise is selected but err_prob is not passed as an argument. #99

Documentation changes

  • A couple of .rst files have been changed in light of removing, shifting CVLayer to cv.ops, and adding CVMacroLayer. #57
  • Mention the new graph state functions from flamingpy.utils.graph_states in the tutorial. #68
  • A typo fix and minor changes for the README file. #80
  • Non-Xanadu links now open in a new tab, while HTML references are listed scientific-style at the end of a file. #82
  • Changed the math rendering Sphinx to MathJax (before equations were rendered as .png). #84
  • A typo in the installation section has been fixed. #94
  • Added our new forum links to and documentation site. #96


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Joost Bus, Sebastián Duque Mesa, Luis Mantilla, Nariman Saadatmand, Ilan Tzitrin, WingCode

See full commit details here.

FlamingPy Release 0.8.2a5

31 May 12:01
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New features since the last release

  • Node and edge coloring can now be done based on any attribute and personalized colors can be defined via a dictionary: #32 (backward incompatible)
  • The EGraph plot legend is not limited to the "state" attribute of the node but to any attribute. #32 (backward incompatible)
  • The dims attribute of EGraph has been removed. Its function is replaced by the dimensions parameter that is passed to the draw_EGraph method. This method does not require the EGraph to have a dims attribute defined anymore. #42 (backward incompatible)
  • Our frontend simulator script,, now supports simple and highly-scalable MPI jobs through mpi4py libraries in a non-intrusive manner. The users who do not have or want MPI, can run single-threaded as per usual without facing any errors. MPI users can speed up Monte Carlo samplings in EC steps virtually up to as many processors they can throw at it. The script support jobs both on local machines and large-scale clusters. #47 (backward compatible)
    • MPI users on their local machines can simply run the following for a 4-processor job:
      mpirun -np 4 python flamingpy/

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the class inheretance diagram displayed in #41


  • The draw_EGraph function is refactored. #32
    • This reduces the function complexity; ensures nodes, edges, and general plot attributes are handled in different places; and allows for better code maintenance and readability.
    • display_axes is changed to show_axes for consistency.
  • xlim in viz.plot_Z_err_cond is adjusted to the relevant domain when plotting the central peak. #33
  • Added fig, ax returns for the draw methods in utils/ #33
  • Both upper and lower axes limits can now be specified for EGraph plots. #42
  • Improvements to the decoding example. #44
    • Rename function and add dosctring.
    • Decrease the size of markers for plotting stabilizer nodes.
    • Improve the way to scatter stabilizers via specifying indices.
  • Improved codefactor score for several key files. #51
  • Pandas is removed from the package requirements. #63
  • mpi4py is not a development requirement for Linux users. #64
  • CI test check that code executes properly with and without MPI. #64

Documentation changes

  • A pipeline for adding tutorials to the docs was introduced. #24
    • To add a tutorial, use the gallery-item directive from the xanadu-sphinx-theme. For the new document to be compiled its filename should start with run_. Thumbnails will be created out of the first figure generated and stored in tutorials/_out/images/thumb/ with the same name of the tutorial prepended with sphx_glr_.
  • Brief tutorials about graph states and error correction were added. #24
  • An introduction to quantum error correction was added. #24
  • Added UML class and package diagrams for fp page. #41
  • Improved class inheritance diagram for,, and fp.decoders. #41
  • Added libopenmpi-dev package to the apt list of .readthedoc.yml to allow documentation successful builds after adding recent mpi4py requirements. #59
  • Adds a section to guide_for_devs.rst explaining how to install and use MPI along with FlamingPy. #64


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Joost Bus, Sebastián Duque Mesa, Luis Mantilla, Nariman Saadatmand, Ilan Tzitrin, Trevor Vincent

See full commit details here.

FlamingPy Release 0.7.0a4

14 May 17:14
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New features since the last release

  • The voxel plotting function has been refactored to allow for easy location in space as well as resizing (the latter being important for stabilizers at boundaries that are represented by incomplete cubes). These changes are reflected in two new functions in the viz module: plot_cube and cuboid_data. #20(backward incompatible)
  • Union-Find --- a fast new decoder based on arXiv:1709.06218 and arXiv:1703.01517 --- has been implemented. Now the user may change between the existing minimum-weight perfect matching decoder ("MWPM" setting) and Union-Find ("UF" setting). We have also temporarily disabled the "both" ec option in SurfaceCode while we investigate a bug, and make some further minor changes related to the Union-Find decoder. #37(backward incompatible)

Bug fixes

  • Voxel plots of dual stabilizers used to be drawn incorrectly since only integer locations and cube sizes were allowed. Furthermore, no cube could be placed in a coordinate less than zero. These have been fixed. #20
  • The occasionally failing test_hybridize in has been fixed. #25
  • The lemon backend used for MWPM decoding was performing worse compared to the other matching backends. The problem was that missing edges in the graph were associated with 0-entries in the adjacency matrix, leading to them always having the minimal weight and making them indistinguishable from edges with an actual weight of 0. The missing edges are now assigned a very large weight. #28


  • Tests were added to improve the overall test coverage. These included changes to
    .coveragerc as well as the refactoring of some examples to allow for proper
    imports from testing modules. Code coverage is now above 95% and
    the overall fail threshold was bumped accordingly. #14

  • The visuals produced by FlamingPy have been improved and made more consistent. #20

    • The figure, marker, line, label and title size, font family, and colormaps were modified.
      When drawing, FlamingPy no longer changes the global matplotlib's rcParams,
      but uses rc_context together with the plot parameters defined within the viz module.
      To customize such parameters, simply use the following and every new plot produced by FlamingPy will use them accordingly.
    from flamingpy.utils.viz import plot_params as fp_plot_params
    fp_plot_params["font.size"] = 20
    • Most functions in the visualization module now return the figure and axes for further processing.
    • The offered method to draw voxels is much clearer and has an easier-to-use API.
    • Graphs of decoding objects (stabilizer and matching graphs) are prettier and easier
      to parse, thanks partially to a new function, draw_curved_edges.
    • draw_adj and draw_SCZ wrapper methods were added to EGraph and CVLayer, respectively.
  • Several changes were made to improve the visualization of MWPM decoding for debugging and understanding purposes. #23

    • A function (draw_decoding) was added to the viz module and new options were added to the correct function in the decoder module to be able to simply plot all decoding objects (stabilizer graph, matching graph, matching, syndrome plot) in sync with the actual error correction trial.
    • The appearance and presence of node labels (specifically the virtual nodes of the matching graph) were fixed.
    • The label_cubes argument was renamed to the more accurate label_stabilizers.
    • The argument show_matching was added to the drawing options to be able to turn the matching plot on or off.
    • One can now plot a non-NetworkX matching graph (by automatic conversion to a NetworkX graph).
    • The above changes allowed for a significant simplification of the decoding example.
  • The PR template has been changed to inform the user about the 95%+ codecov requirement. #25

  • CVLayer has been modified to allow for instantiation with a code object
    in addition to an EGraph. This makes more semantic sense (applying a noise model
    to a code), making it conceptually easier for the user and avoiding noise layers having to reference the internal mechanics of codes. #25

  • codecov.yml was introduced to customize codecov automated tests. For this version, we have added a threshold: 0.5% to avoid undesired delta failures due to just removing a few lines, etc. #25

  • The Walrus has been re-added as a dependency and its functions are used instead of a verbatim
    copy of the code. #27

  • Since retworkx and lemon are the fastest backends and retworkx follows the same convention
    as networkx, the default backend for stabilizer graphs and MWPM has been changed to retworkx. #28

  • Some more tests were added to to compare the output of different matching backends. #28

  • The display_axes option has been changed to show_axes and title to show_title for consistency. The show_title option is now respected. #37

  • Decoders have become more organized and compartmentalized. #37

    • They are located in a directory with their name, with separate modules for decoding objects and algorithms. The latter -- -- contains
      a cumulative decoding function combining all the steps. This function is imported by, which is now a more general module.
    • The draw_decoding function in viz can now accommodate plotting generic decoding procedures: a stabilizer graph, a syndrome plot, and the recovery.

Documentation changes

  • The documentation now mentions that retworkx is the default backend. #28


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Sebastián Duque Mesa, Priya Nadkarni, Nariman Saadatmand, Maxime Tremblay, Ilan Tzitrin

See full commit details here.

FlamingPy Release 0.6.1a3

01 May 00:22
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New features since the last release

  • Pauli noise: have added a new noise model sampling i.i.d Z error for each qubit. #8(backward incompatible)
  • Fixed drawing of stabilizer graph for zero syndrome: #9(backward incompatible)
    • Previously, the drawing function for a stabilizer graph relied on a non-documented feature. That is, it was assumed that when building the matching graph, all edges of a Networkx-based stabilizer graph were assigned a weight. This, however, was not a fair assumption for many reasons.
    • As a solution, we have added a new method to the SurfaceCode class to draw the primal or dual stabilizer graph, which makes sure that each edge has a weight. Now, using that method, the user does not have to rely on unfair assumptions.
    • Furthermore, we added a quick check to not add any edges to the matching graph when the syndrome is trivial. In this case, the cost of decoding should be almost zero.


  • A large number of linting corrections were made to improve the overall pylint report. These were mostly minor but essential modifications including restructuring, re-coding, optimization, updating .pylintrc, adding .coveragerc. The code quality score is improved to A for the released version. Check "Files changed" for details. #11

  • TODO comments have been removed exclusively from files with low code quality grades. The Dev team has created tickets to be actioned for all removed TODO comments on separate (private) FlamingPy boards. #11

  •,, and were imported and modified from the Strawberry Fields project. Dev team plans to extend these with customized details in future PRs. #11

Documentation changes

  • Updated old FT-Stack links in docs header to correct FlamingPy pages. #7
  • The new Xanadu Sphinx theme has been applied. Currently, most Xanadu OSS projects include their own version of the Xanadu Sphinx theme; however, the Xanadu Sphinx Theme repository is now publicly available and is the preferred way to access the Xanadu CSS theme and Sphinx directives. #17
    • Deleted the doc/xanadu_theme directory
    • Updated doc/requirements.txt and doc/ to reference and use the (centralized) Xanadu Sphinx Theme.
    • Replaced the Quantum Error Correction, Install, and FAQ static HTML files with reST ones.


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov, Sebastián Duque Mesa, Nariman Saadatmand, Maxime Tremblay, Ilan Tzitrin

See full commit details here.

FlamingPy Release 0.4.9a1

07 Apr 11:28
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Improvements since the last release

  • Relative paths cannot be used in logos and were replaced with GitHub-hosted links. #5

  • C++ imports are now placed within try blocks to avoid interrupting non-compiled installations, such as the ones currently used by readthedocs. #5

  • Code coverage (quality) score was improved to a more acceptable B- level. #5

Bug fixes

Documentation changes

  • Making Documentation more usable and consistent with other Xanadu projects #5:
    • API details and inheritance diagrams should be now correctly displayed.
    • "Edit on Github" links were fixed
    • The general style and section structures made more consistent with the company requirements and other packages such as StrawberryFields.
    • Fixed the documentation links in
    • Minor updates to doc/, doc/dev_requirements.txt, and doc/Makefile.


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Nariman Saadatmand, Ilan Tzitrin

See full commit details here.

FlamingPy Release 0.4.6a1

17 Mar 23:42
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New features since the last private release

  • This is the initial public release started from the private template and our sister project FT-Stack.
  • The first Cython function for Monte Carlo sampling, mostly to provide cythonization samples and testbeds, has been added. See cpp_mc_loop.pyx and for details. (backward incompatible)


  • More options for Installation from Source: was updated to provide a no-compilation option for only installing (purely) Python libraries and separate options to compile cmake and cython-based codes. See the new for details.


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Nariman Saadatmand, Ilan Tzitrin