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Library of Useful Containers for Campus Sites

Past due by almost 2 years 0% complete

The main goal of the Container Template Library (CTL) project is to collect a library of templates for scientific computing software containers that can be run directly by users, edited by developers to create new scientific software containers, and used for learning how to build, develop, deploy, and run containers on XSEDE resources and XSEDE-like campu…

The main goal of the Container Template Library (CTL) project is to collect a library of templates for scientific computing software containers that can be run directly by users, edited by developers to create new scientific software containers, and used for learning how to build, develop, deploy, and run containers on XSEDE resources and XSEDE-like campus clusters. The goal of this milestone is to have a selection of some common software of interest to the XSEDE community available as containers within the CTL.