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BPlus tree

CSCI331 Final Project on BPlus tree

Implementation of B+ tree

This is a B+ tree project that deals with manipulation of different records like zip code, name of a person, state name, name of cities, longitude and latitude. A B+ tree can represent an ordered list or unordered list, and in such an implementation, the operations of search, insertion, and removal are in general fast.

In this project, an interactive program will manipulate the records held in an unordered list, and the list will be encapsulated in a class and represented by a pointer-based B+ tree. As program being the interactive, it can read and respond the commands entered by the user.

The program does all sorts of operations manipulating the list. For example:

  • Checks if the list is empty
  • Insert the item or records into the tree
  • Remove the item or records from the tree or sequence set
  • Reports the information through zip code
  • Finally writes out the list in the terminal window

The program is all menu-driven. In the main program, we need to design in such a way that the user enters the character that decides which operation to run. Like if the user enters I, that means program should insert the entered record into the list and so on for remove and all.