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How to update from v3.0.4 to v3.1.x

Lucas Kovács edited this page Nov 10, 2019 · 5 revisions

Unfortunately the v3.0.4 package was released with an issue that won't allow you to properly update to any version that comes after it.

There are two ways to solve it:

Fist option

  1. Go to root_directory/public/install/update
  2. Open update_301.php
  3. Delete everything in the file, leave it empty.
  4. Save the file

Second option

  1. Login into your phpMyAdmin or any DB administration tool
  2. Select the xgp database
  3. Open the query editor
  4. Run the following query

On this query I will replace the prefix with mine
UPDATE {prefix}options SET option_value = '3.0.4' WHERE option_name = 'version'

Result query
UPDATE xgp_options SET option_value = '3.0.4' WHERE option_name = 'version'

Paste the query into the text box and run the query. If everything worked as expected you'll see on the options table the option_name "version" set with the option_value "3.0.4".

Final Step

Once you took any of those approaches, you have to clear the recent sessions. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Login into your phpMyAdmin or any DB administration tool
  2. Select the xgp database
  3. Empty the sessions table - DO NOT DELETE IT!!! Just empty it
  4. Then you can go to the update system from the admin update page http://{your-site}.com/admin.php?page=update and from there run the update tool.