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Ice Floe Tracker Pipeline

This repository contains the processing pipeline for IceFloeTracker.jl and ancillary scripts.

SOIT Integration

The Satellite Overpass Identification Tool is called to generate a list of satellite times for both Aqua and Terra in the area of interest. This program is written in Python and its dependencies are pulled from a Docker container at docker://brownccv/icefloetracker-fetchdata:main.

Register an account with to use SOIT.

To run SOIT manually :

  1. Make sure Docker Desktop is running on your local machine.
  2. Export SOIT username/password to environment variable.
    • From your home directory nano .bash_profile
    • add export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth to the bottom of your .bash_profile
      • this will ensure that your username/password are not stored in history
      • when exporting the following environment variables, there must be a space in front of each command
    • export SPACEUSER=<firstname>_<lastname>
    • export SPACEPSWD=<password>
  3. Update inputs and run the following:
docker run --env SPACEUSER --env SPACEPSWD --mount type=bind,source=<your_desired_output_dir>,target=/tmp brownccv/icefloetracker-fetchdata:main \
python3 /usr/local/bin/ --startdate <YYYY-MM-DD> --enddate <YYYY-MM-DD> --csvoutpath /tmp --centroid_lat <input_centroid_lat> --centroid_lon <input_centroid_lon> --SPACEUSER $SPACEUSER --SPACEPSWD $SPACEPSWD
  • be sure to replace source, startdate, enddate, centroid_lat, and centroid_lon with your desired inputs
  • csvoutpath must remain as /tmp to bind the Docker container output path with your desired local path

Note: The script in this project can be adapted to include additional satellites available in the repository. If you have numpy and skyfield installed in a local conda environment, you can run from the directory where you installed the Ice Floe Tracker Pipeline: python3 workflow/scripts/ --startdate <YYYY-MM-DD> --enddate <YYYY-MM-DD> --csvoutpath <save_directory> --centroid_x <input_centroid_x> --centroid_y <input_centroid_y> --SPACEUSER $SPACEUSER --SPACEPSWD $SPACEPSWD

Fetching data from NASA Worldview

All the software dependencies to run are found in the Docker container at docker://brownccv/icefloetracker-fetchdata:main.

To fetch data independently of other tasks:

  1. Make sure Docker Desktop is running on your local machine.
  2. Update inputs and run the following:
docker run --mount type=bind,source=<your_desired_output_dir>,target=/tmp \
brownccv/icefloetracker-fetchdata:main \
/usr/local/bin/ -o /tmp -s <YYYY-MM-DD> -e <YYYY-MM-DD> -c <wgs84|epsg3413> -b <top_left_lat@top_left_lon@lower_right_lat@lower_right_lon|left_x@top_y@right_x@lower_y
  • be sure to replace source, s(startdate), e(enddate), c(crs), and b(bounding box) with your inputs
  • o(output) must remain as /tmp to bind the Docker container output path with your desired local path
  • c(crs) must be either wgs84 (lat/lon) or epsg3414 (polar stereographic)
  • b(bounding box) inputs must match the crs

Cylc to run the pipeline

Cylc is used to encode the entire pipeline from start to finish and relies on the command line scripts to automate the workflow. The config/cylc_hpc/flow.cylc file should be suitable for runs on HPC systems. The default pipeline is built to run on Brown's Oscar HPC and each task is submitted as its own batch job. To run Cylc locally, the config/cylc_local/flow.cylc file is used.

Generating the flow.cylc file to iterate through parameter sets

  1. We can use Jinja2 to populate a flow.cylc file using a CSV file with input parameters. You will be passing the name of this file to An example specification file is provided in the config folder, ./config/sample_site_locations.csv. Each row in the CSV file defines a parameter set. Parameter sets consist of a name, a date range, and a geographic bounding box. These columns are required:

    • location (string): name for parameter set. Must be unique.
    • center_lat (numeric): latitude of the centroid of each scene in decimal degrees, used for finding the satellite overpass time
    • center_lon (numeric): longitude of the centroid of each scene in decimal degrees, used for finding the satellite overpass time
    • startdate (YYYY-MM-DD): first date to download
    • enddate (YYYY-MM-DD): end date for the date range (exclusive, i.e., the last date downloaded is the day before enddate) The bounding box can be specified either using latitude and longitude (crs=wgs84) or north polar stereographic (crs=epsg3413). For wgs84 (lat/lon), use:
    • top_left_lat
    • top_left_lon
    • lower_right_lat
    • lower_right_lon

    For epsg3413 (polar stereographic), use:

    • left_x
    • right_x
    • lower_y
    • top_y

Note: bounding box format = top_left_x top_left_y bottom_right_x bottom_right_y (x = lat(wgs84) or easting(epsg3413), y = lon(wgs84) or northing(epsg3413))

  1. Jump to either running the Cylc pipeline on Oscar or local

Running the Cylc pipeline on Oscar

    • Connect to Oscar from VS Code
  1. Build a virtual environment and install Cylc

    • cd <your-project-path>/ice-floe-tracker-pipeline
    • conda env create -f ./config/ift-env.yaml
    • conda activate ift-env
  2. Make sure you have registered for an account with and exported your SOIT credentials as an environment variable on Oscar as outlined in the SOIT integration section.

  3. Prepare the runtime environment

    Cylc will use software dependencies inside a Singularity container to fetch images and satellite times from external APIs.

    • It is a good idea to reset the Singularity cache dir to scratch as specified here. Images take up a lot of space and scratch gets cleaned regularly.

    • first populate the flow.cylc file by running:

    python workflow/scripts/ \
    --csvfile "./config/<site_locations_file.csv>" \
    --template "flow_template_hpc.j2" \
    --template_dir "./config/cylc_hpc" \
    --crs "<crs>" \
    --minfloearea <value> \
    --maxfloearea <value>

    (replacing <site_locations_file.csv> with the name of your CSV file.) Run python workflow/scripts/ --help for a list of options.

    • then, build the workflow, run it, and open the Terminal-based User Interface (TUI) to monitor the progress of each task. TUI example
    cylc install -n <workflow-name> ./config/cylc_hpc
    cylc validate <workflow-name>
    cylc play <workflow-name>
    cylc tui <workflow-name>

    You can also get an image of the task dependency graph with cylc graph <workflow-name>; you have to click the generated link to open it in VS Code. Graph example

    • If you need to change parameters and re-run a workflow, first do:
    cylc stop --now <workflow-name>
    cylc clean <workflow-name>
    • Then, proceed to install, play, and open the TUI

Note: Error logs are available for each task:

cat ./cylc-run/<workflow-name>/<run#>/log/job/1/<task-name>/01/job.err

The entire cylc-run workflow generated by Cylc is also symlinked to ~/ice-floe-tracker-pipeline/workflow/cylc-run/. Julia logging is also available at ~/ice-floe-tracker-pipeline/workflow/report/

Failed tasks with retry automatically. If all retrys fail, there are likely too many clouds in the study area for the given dates. Try using the NASA Worldview web app to find better dates with fewer clouds. For large bounding boxes, you may need to increase the memory or cpus-per-task flags in the cylc_hpc/flow.cylc file for tasks that are failing.

Running the Cylc pipeline locally


Julia: When running locally, make sure you have at least Julia 1.9.0 installed with the correct architecture for your local machine. (

Docker Desktop: Also make sure Docker Desktop client is running in the background to use the Cylc pipeline locally. (

  1. Build a virtual environment and install Cylc
    • cd <your-project-path>/ice-floe-tracker-pipeline
    • conda env create -f ./config/ift-env.yaml
    • conda activate ift-env

Note: Depending on your existing Conda config, you may need to update your .condarc file to: auto_activate_base: false if you get errors running your first Cylc workflow.

  1. Make sure you have registered for an account with and exported your SOIT credentials as an environment variable on your local computer as outlined in the SOIT integration section.

  2. Install your workflow, run it, and monitor with the Terminal User Interface (TUI)

    • first populate the flow.cylc file by running:
    python workflow/scripts/ \
    --csvfile "./config/<site_locations_file.csv>" \
    --template "flow_template_local.j2" \
    --template_dir "./config/cylc_local" \
    --crs "<crs>" \
    --minfloearea <value> \
    --maxfloearea <value>

    (replacing <site_locations_file.csv> with the name of your CSV file.)

    Run python workflow/scripts/ --help for a list of options.

    • cylc install -n <your-workflow-name> ./config/cylc_local
    • cylc graph <workflow-name> #install graphviz locally
    • cylc validate <workflow-name>
    • cylc play <workflow-name>
    • cylc tui <workflow-name>

The Terminal-based User Interface provides a simple way to watch the status of each task called in the flow.cylc workflow. Use arrow keys to investigate each task (see more here. TUI).

If you need to change parameters and re-run a workflow, first do:

cylc stop --now <workflow-name>
cylc clean <workflow-name>
  • Then, proceed to install, play, and open the TUI
  • To rerun in one line:
cylc stop --now <workflow-name> && \
cylc clean <workflow-name> && \
cylc install -n <workflow-name> ./config/cylc_hpc && \
cylc validate <workflow-name> && \
cylc play <workflow-name> && \
cylc tui <workflow-name>

Note: Error logs are available for each task:

cat ~/cylc-run/<workflow-name>/<run#>/log/job/1/<task-name>/01/job.err

Tips for running the code locally for development

When working locally, we have found VSCode to be a good interface for development.

Cylc local development

When working locally and using the Cylc local pipeline, double check that the Docker client is running and clean the Docker cache to make sure you are using the latest images.

  • delete any existing images from the Docker Dashboard
  • from a terminal, run:
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  • from a terminal, run:
docker image prune

Command-line interface (CLI) - local development

When running the CLI locally, make sure you have at least Julia 1.9.0 installed with the correct architecture for your local machine. (

  • cd <your-project-path>/ice-floe-tracker-pipeline

Open a Julia REPL and build the package

  • julia

Enter Pkg mode and precompile

  • ]
  • activate .
  • build

Use the backspace to go back to the Julia REPL and start running Julia code!

Note Use the help for wrapper scripts to learn about available options in each wrapper function For example, from a bash prompt: julia --project=. ./workflow/scripts/ice-floe-tracker.jl extractfeatures --help

Here is the list of wrapper functions used in the CLI:

  landmask         Generate land mask images
  preprocess       Preprocess truecolor/falsecolor images
  extractfeatures  Extract ice floe features from segmented floe image
  makeh5files      Make HDF5 files from extracted floe features
  track            Pair ice floes in day k with ice floes in day k+1

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Sample workflows to read in data stored in hdf5 files with Python

Due to differences in multidimensional array representation between Julia and Python, special handling might be necessary.

Read floe properties table to a pandas dataframe

import h5py
import pandas as pd
from os.path import join

dataloc = "results/hdf5-files"
filename = "20220914T1244.aqua.labeled_image.250m.h5"

ift_data = h5py.File(join(dataloc, filename))
df = pd.DataFrame(
    data=ift_data["floe_properties"]["properties"][:].T, # note the transposition


Simple visualization of a segmented image

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ift_segmented = ift_data['floe_properties']['labeled_image'][:,:].T # note the transposition
ift_segmented =, mask=ift_segmented==0)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(ift_segmented, cmap='prism')