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CKEditor 4.20.0
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includes CKEditor 4.19.1
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Colinax committed Sep 29, 2022
1 parent 2b01040 commit 6d4c6a2
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Showing 131 changed files with 549 additions and 1,230 deletions.
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions wbce/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor/
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@@ -1,6 +1,59 @@
CKEditor 4 Changelog

## CKEditor 4.20

New Features:

* [#5084]( Added the [`config.tabletools_scopedHeaders`]( configuration option controlling the behaviour of table headers with and without the `[scope]` attribute.
* [#5219]( Added the [`config.image2_defaultLockRatio`]( configuration option allowing to set the default value of the "Lock ratio" option in the [Enhanced Image]( dialog.
* [#2008]( Extended the [Mentions]( and [Emoji]( plugins with a feature option that adds a space after an accepted autocompletion match. See:
* [`configDefinition.followingSpace`]( option for the mentions plugin, and
* [`config.emoji_followingSpace`]( option for the emoji plugin.
* [#5215]( Added the [`config.coreStyles_toggleSubSup`]( configuration option which disallows setting the subscript and superscript on the same element simultaneously using UI buttons. This option is turned off by default.

Fixed Issues:

* [#4889]( Fixed: Incorrect position of the [Table Resize]( cursor after scrolling the editor horizontally.
* [#5319]( Fixed: [Autolink]( [`config.autolink_urlRegex`]( option produced invalid links when configured directly using the editor instance config. Thanks to [Aigars Zeiza](!
* [#4941]( Fixed: Some entities got wrongly encoded when using [`entities_processNumerical = true`]( configuration option.
* [#4931]( Fixed: Selecting the whole editor content when there is only a list with an empty element at the end inside and deleting it did not delete all list items.

API changes:

* [#5122]( Added the ability to provide a list of buttons as an array to the [`config.removeButtons`]( config variable.
* [#2008]( Added [Autocomplete]( [`followingSpace`]( option that finishes an accepted match with a space.

## CKEditor 4.19.1

Fixed Issues:

* [#5125]( Fixed: Deleting a widget with disabled [autoParagraph]( by the keyboard `backspace` key removes the editor editable area and crashes the editor.
* [#5135]( Fixed: The [`checkbox.setValue`]( and [`radio.setValue`]( methods are not chainable as stated in the documentation. Thanks to [Jordan Bradford](!
* [#5085]( Fixed: The [Language]( plugin removes the element marking the text in foreign language if said element does not have an information about the text direction.
* [#4284]( Fixed: [Tableselection]( Merging cells with a rowspan throws an unexpected error and does not create an undo step.
* [#5184]( Fixed: The [Editor Placeholder]( plugin degrades typing performance.
* [#5158]( Fixed: [``]( gives invalid results if the helper calculator element was deleted from the DOM.
* [#5234]( Fixed: [Easy Image]( doesn't allow to upload images files using toolbar button.
* [#438]( Fixed: It is impossible to navigate to the [elementspath]( from the [toolbar]( by keyboard and vice versa.
* [#4449]( Fixed: [`dialog.validate#functions`]( incorrectly composes functions that return an optional error message, like e.g. [`dialog.validate.number`]( due to unnecessary return type coercion.
* [#4473]( Fixed: The [dialog.validate]( method does not accept parameter value. The issue originated in [dialog.validate.functions]( method that did not properly propagate parameter value to validator. Affected validators:
* [`functions`](
* [`equals`](
* [`notEqual`](
* [`cssLength`](
* [`htmlLength`](
* [`inlineStyle`](
* [#5147]( Fixed: The [Accessibility Help]( dialog does not contain info about focus being moved back to the editing area upon leaving dialogs.
* [#5144]( Fixed: [Menu buttons]( and [panel buttons]( incorrectly indicate the open status of their associated pop-up menus in the browser's accessibility tree.
* [#5022]( Fixed: [Find and Replace]( does not respond to the `Enter` key.

API changes:

* [#5184]( Added the [`config.editorplaceholder_delay`]( configuration option allowing to delay placeholder before it is toggled when changing editor content.
* [#5184]( Added the [``]( function allowing to postpone a passed function execution until the given milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.

## CKEditor 4.19.0

New features:
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