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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Jump between buffers faster than ever before

This tool tracks the history of buffers opened in an individual window. With a quick motion, you can be in any one of your last twenty buffers without remembering any details.

Unlike other tools, this remembers history per window, so you can really jump quickly.


  • Harpoon requires explicit adding of files; too much effort
    • Rabbit:Oxide remembers your most frequently accessed files in your current directory
  • Telescope:Buffers doesn't order by last BufEnter
    • Rabbit:History lists in order of most recent BufEnter
    • Rabbit:History does NOT list the file you're currently in, meaning a lightning-quick motion, <leader>r <CR> returns you to whence you came.

:ls and :b

  • Too much typing and looking and processing
    • That's what this plugin is designed to solve

And this too...

None of these solutions actually support split screen. You must remember all the details yourself.

  • Did you use Lspsaga to open a type, func, or variable declaration?
    • One quick ‣r↵ later, you're back! Only three key presses!
  • Are you referencing documentation but you don't like split screen?
    • Three key presses is still better than :b #
    • What happens when you frequently switch between more than two buffers? :b # doesn't cut it



return {
    config = function()
        require("rabbit").setup({{opts}})     -- Detailed below


Rabbit is only tested on Linux, although probably works as well on macOS. Please help with any compatibility issues by raising an issue


Just run your keybind! (or :Rabbit {{mode}})

With Rabbit open, you can hit a number 1-9 to jump to that buffer. You can also move your cursor down to a specific line and hit enter to jump to that buffer.

If you hit <CR> immediately after launching Rabbit, it'll open your previous buffer. You can hop back and forth between buffers very quickly, almost like a rabbit...

If you scroll down on the Rabbit window, you'll see all the keybinds available.


-- Use all the below defaults, but set a custom keybind
require("rabbit").setup("any keybind")

-- Defaults
    colors = {
        title = {               -- Title text
            fg = "#000000",     -- Grabs from :hi Normal
            bold = true,
        index = {               -- Index numbers
            fg = "#000000",     -- Grabs from :hi Comment
            italic = true,
        dir = "#000000",        -- Folders; Grabs from :hi NonText
        file = "#000000",       -- File name; Grabs from :hi Normal

        term = {                -- Addons, eg :term or :Oil
            fg = "#000000",     -- Grabs from :hi Constant
            italic = true,
        noname = {              -- No buffer name set
            fg = "#000000",     -- Grabs from :hi Function
            italic = true,

    window = {
        -- If `box_style` is specified, it will overwrite anything set in `box`
        box_style = "round",    -- One of "round", "square", "thick", "double"
        box = {
            top_left = "",     -- Top left corner of box
            top_right = "",    -- Top right corner of box
            bottom_left = "",  -- Bottom left corner of box
            bottom_right = "", -- Bottom right corner of box
            vertical = "",     -- Vertical wall
            horizontal = "",   -- Horizontal ceiling
            emphasis = "",     -- Emphasis around title, like `──══ Rabbit ══──`

        width = 64,             -- Width, in columns
        height = 24,            -- Height, in rows

        -- Where the plugin name should be displayed.
        -- * "bottom" means in the bottom left corner, but not displayed in full screen
        -- * "title" means next to rabbit, eg `──══ Rabbit History ══──`
        -- * "hide" means to not display it at all
        plugin_name_position = "bottom",

        title = "Rabbit",       -- Title text, eg: `──══ Rabbit ══──` or `──══ NotHarpoon ══──`

        emphasis_width = 8,     -- Eg: `──────══ Rabbit ══──────` or `──══════ Rabbit ══════──`

        float = true,           -- Plain `true` means use bottom right corner
        float = {
            top = 10000,        -- Top offset in lines
            left = 10000,       -- Left offset in columns
        float = {
            "bottom",           -- "top" or "bottom;" MUST BE FIRST
            "right",            -- "left" or "right;" MUST BE LAST

        -- When using split screen, it will try to use the width and height provided earlier.
        -- Eg, when splitting left or right: height = 100%; width = `width`
        -- Eg, when splitting above or below: height = `height`; width = 100%
        -- NOTE: `float` must be explicitly set to false in order to split
        -- NOTE: If both `float` and `split` are false, a new buffer will open, "fullscreen"
        split = true,           -- Plain `true` means use the right side
        split = "right",        -- One of "left", "right", "above", "below"

        overflow = ":::",       -- String to display when folders overflow
        path_len = 12,          -- How many characters to display in folder name before cutting off

    default_keys = {
        close = {               -- Default bindings to close Rabbit

        select = {              -- Default bindings to select a buffer

        open = {                -- Default bindings to open Rabbit

        file_add = {            -- Default bindings to add current buffer to persistent history
            "a",                -- This would act like Prime's Harpoon, but it isn't implemented yet

        file_del = {            -- Default bindings to remove current buffer from persistent history
            "d",                -- This would act like Prime's Harpoon, but it isn't implemented yet

    plugin_opts = {             -- Plugin specific options you'd like to set
        history = {
            color = "#d7827e",  -- Border color
            switch = "r",       -- Keybind to switch to the history window from within Rabbit
            keys = {},          -- See the API for more details
            opts = {},          -- See the API for more details
        reopen = {
            color = "#907aa9",  -- Border color
            switch = "o",       -- Keybind to switch to the reopen window from within Rabbit
            keys = {},          -- See the API for more details
            opts = {},          -- See the API for more details

    enable = {                  -- Builtin plugins to enable immediately
        "history",              -- The plugin shown when opening Rabbit




history reopen oxide


Sorts all the buffers this window has visited, in order of most recent visit


Sorts all the buffers this window has closed, in order of most recent close


Like zoxide, but saves how often you open a particular file from your current directory


local rabbit = require("rabbit")

Using Rabbit

mode is any of the available modes.

rabbit.Window(mode)             -- Close rabbit window, or open with mode
rabbit.Switch(mode)             -- Open with mode
rabbit.func.close()             -- Default func to close rabbit window           -- Default func to select an entry
rabbit.setup(opts)              -- Setup options
rabbit.attach(plugin)           -- Attach a custom plugin
rabbit.Redraw()                 -- Like rabbit.Switch(mode), but recovers cursor position


rabbit.MakeBuf(mode)            -- Create the buffer and window
rabbit.ShowMessage(msg)         -- Clear and show a message
rabbit.RelPath(src, target)     -- Return the relative path object for highlighting
rabbit.ensure_listing(winid)    -- Ensure that the window has a table for all listings
rabbit.Legend()                 -- Appends the keymap legened, and sets keymaps]
rabbit.autocmd(evt)             -- Calls ensure_listing, and runs all relevant plugin events

Create your own Rabbit listing

All luadoc information is included in doc.lua

Just remember to call rabbit.setup() before calling rabbit.attach(plugin).

Here's what your plugin.lua should look like:

local set = require("rabbit.plugins.util")
-- This module provides basic set-like functionality, including:
-- * Find the index of an element
-- * Remove all instances of an element
-- * Insert an element at the top of the table, while deleting all other instances
-- * Save a table to a file
-- * Recover a table from a file

---@type RabbitPlugin
local M = {
    color = "#d7827e",  -- Border color

    name = "history",   -- UNIQUE name of the plugin. This will be overwritten in the case of duplicate names.

    func = {
        -- Any other functions you may need. In the case of Oxide, it defines `file_del`. All functions here are
        -- called with one paramter: The highlighted position. Be careful, as this may not be a valid cursor position,
        -- eg out of bounds.

    switch = "r",       -- Keybind to switch to this plugin from within Rabbit

    listing = {
        -- This is where all the listings are stored. Normally, Rabbit calls `M.listing[winid]`, but you can
        -- set `M.listing[0]` for a global listing, no matter the winid. Since the first winid is ALWAYS 1000,
        -- you can store a many other details for internal purposes. In the case of Oxide, it stores the file
        -- name, current working directory, and how often you visit this file from that directory.
        -- Rabbit automatically creates empty tables for each new window, and deletes them when closing the window.
        -- No need to manage that in your plugin.
        -- Each listing can contain either Buffer IDs or file names. Either will work well. Rabbit also automatically
        -- refreshes when a buffer is unloaded or deleted. Invalid Buffer IDs are automatically removed, so be sure to
        -- use `require("rabbit").ctx.listing` to get the listing displayed to the user

    empty_msg = "There's nowhere to jump to! Get started by opening another buffer",

    skip_same = true,   -- Whether or not to skip the first entry if it's the same as the current buffer

    keys = {
        -- This table should be in func_name:string[] format. If you have an entry in `M.func` called 'clear', and
        -- the default keybind should be `c`, then the following should be in the table:
        clear = { 'c' },

        -- Keep in mind that if the user also has a keybind set for `clear`, it will take priority over this one.

    evt = {
        -- Event handlers. Key names should be the Autocmd name, like `BufEnter` or `BufDelete`. Only these two
        -- events are automatically registered by Rabbit.
        -- There is also a `RabbitEnter` event which is called right before Rabbit is displayed. This is useful when
        -- you need to set up your global listing. In the case of Oxide, it filters and sorts internal listings before
        -- producing M.listing[0]. RabbitEnter takes zero parameters.

    opts = {},          -- Plugin specific options you'd like to set

    -- Initializer, if you need it. The first parameter is the plugin object so Ldoc doesn't scream at you.
    -- In the case of Oxide, it reads the memory file and sets `M.listing[0]`
    init = function(_) end,

    -- If not nil, this will be replaced with the file used for persistent memory. By the time `M.init`
    -- is called, the file already exists and is set to an empty table. Use `nil` or do not set at all if you
    -- do not plan on using persistent memory.
    memory = nil,

---@param evt NvimEvent
---@param winid integer
function M.evt.BufEnter(evt, winid)
    -- Add the current buffer to the top of the listing
    set.add(M.listing[winid], evt.buf)

---@param evt NvimEvent
---@param winid integer
function M.evt.BufDelete(evt, winid)
    -- Remove the current buffer altogether
    set.sub(M.listing[winid], evt.buf)

return M