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For best results, BabyVW currently uses Unity 2020.2.1.

This repository depends on VoxSim: Clone BabyVW, then:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update --remote --merge

Finally, follow the depedency installation instructions at the VoxSim link.

Setting Up Learning Environment

The learning environment is based on Unity ML-Agents. The Unity ML-Agents package is included in manifest.json and should be available when this repository is cloned. To complete the setup of the learning environment, you should:

$ conda create --name ml-agents python=3.8
$ conda activate ml-agents
(ml-agents) $ conda install grpcio
(ml-agents) $ pip install numpy
(ml-agents) $ pip install stable_baselines3
(ml-agents) $ python -m pip install mlagents
(ml-agents) $ pip install notebook
(ml-agents) $ pip install sklearn

Additional Dependencies (optional)

The BabyVW learning environment uses Stable-Baselines3, which is written using PyTorch, but some minor functionality, such as converting SB3 TensorBoard plots to PyPlot plots, requires TensorFlow. To use this functionality on:

Silicon Macs with the M1 chip:

(ml-agents) $ conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps
(ml-agents) $ pip install tensorflow-macos
(ml-agents) $ pip install tensorflow-metal

All other systems:

(ml-agents) $ pip install tensorflow

The main training and testing pipeline should work fine without these dependencies.

Entire Environments

You can create the entire environment (including optional dependencies) in one command by running:

  • (On M1 Macs) conda create --name ml-agents --file ml-agents-conda-mac-m1.txt.
  • (On Intel Macs) conda create --name ml-agents --file ml-agents-conda-mac-intel.txt.
  • (On Windows) conda create --name ml-agents --file ml-agents-conda-win.txt.

Next, check out an environment and agent, e.g., the stacker


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