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Vint linting policy summary

Tama McGlinn edited this page Aug 7, 2021 · 8 revisions

Severity definition

Vint has 3 definitions of severity as the following:

Severity Description
error The detected code completely does not work.
warning The detected code probably does not work.
style_problem The detected code can work fine, but there is a style problem.


Policy name Description Source
ProhibitAutocmdWithNoGroup :autocmd can omit [group], but it is a bad coding and that makes your Vim heavy. If you define autocmds without a group, your Vim registers the same autocmd each :source ~/.vimrc. And your Vim executes the same autocmds each occurring a Event(e.g. FileType). Anti-pattern of vimrc
ProhibitCommandRelyOnUser Avoid commands that rely on user settings. Always use normal! instead of normal. The latter depends upon the user's key mappings and could do anything. Avoid :s[ubstitute], as its behavior depends upon a number of local settings. The same applies to other commands not listed here. Google Vimscript Style Guide
ProhibitCommandWithUnintendedSideEffect Avoid commands with unintended side effects. Avoid using :s[ubstitute] as it moves the cursor and prints error messages. Prefer functions (such as search()) better suited to scripts. For many vim commands, functions exist that do the same thing with fewer side effects. See :help functions() for a list of built-in functions. Google Vimscript Style Guide
ProhibitEncodingOptionAfterScriptEncoding Vim can not recognize the character code of your vimrc when :scriptencoding is defined before :set encoding. When writing :set encoding, it should be described before :scriptencoding. Anti-pattern of vimrc
ProhibitEqualTildeOperator Use the =~# or =~? operator families over the =~ family. The matching behavior depends upon the user's ignorecase and smartcase settings and on whether you compare them with the =~, =~#, or =~? family of operators. Use the =~# and =~? operator families explicitly when comparing strings unless you explicitly need to honor the user's case sensitivity settings. Google Vimscript Style Guide
ProhibitImplicitScopeBuiltinVariable You should use a variable with a scope prefix to avoid variable name conflicts between builtins and implicit global/function local. :help local-variable
ProhibitMissingScriptEncoding Vim can not recognize the character code of your vimrc when :scriptencoding is defined before :set encoding. When writing :set encoding, it should be described before :scriptencoding. Anti-pattern of vimrc
ProhibitNoAbortFunction In the autoload/ directory, defined with ! and abort. Autoloading allows functions to be loaded on demand, which makes startuptime faster and enforces function namespacing. Script-local functions are welcome, but should also live in autoload/ and be called by autoloaded functions. Non-library plugins should expose commands instead of functions. Command logic should be extracted into functions and autoloaded. ! allows developers to reload their functions without complaint. abort forces the function to halt when it encounters an error. Google Vimscript Style Guide
ProhibitSetNoCompatible You should not use set nocompatible because the command has unintended side-effects. See :help compatible. Don't worry, Vim set automatically compatible when a vimrc or gvimrc was found.
ProhibitUnnecessaryDoubleQuote Double quoted strings are semantically different in vimscript, and you probably don't want them (they break regexes). Use double quoted strings when you need an escape sequence (such as "\n") or if you know it doesn't matter and you need to embed single quotes. Google Vimscript Style Guide
ProhibitUnusedVariable Unused variables found. You should remove unused variables. Nothing
ProhibitUsingUndeclaredVariable Undefined variable is used. You should modify the variable name or declare the variable. Nothing

Style problem

Policy name Description Source
ProhibitAbbreviationOption You should use strict options only to make codes more readable. Anti-pattern of vimrc
ProhibitImplicitScopeVariable You should use a variable with a scope prefix. Anti-pattern of vimrc