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A flat price estimation service. You enter the parameters of a flat and we give you a fair price for it - use to sell a flat or check another flat's price.


We use a ML model running on Amazon lambda to predict the price. This service is deployed on static Amazon S3 hosting and sends requests to the lambda.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


First of all, you will need Node.js of an LTS version, and npm or yarn, and git.

Check if everything is OK by running node -v, npm -v or yarn -v, and git --version in the CLI:

> node -v
> npm -v
> yarn -v
> git --version
git version

You will also need an .env file, containing environment variables. You may use .env.example as an example.


After you have installed Node.js and npm or yarn, open the CLI at the projects root directory. Then install the node modules via npm i or yarn.

Development and build

After installing the packages, you should be able to run these commands via npm run <cmd> or yarn <cmd>:

  • build to build the project;
  • start after building the project to launch it;
  • start:dev to start a development server;
  • test to run tests;
  • lint to check the project with a linter.

Built With

  • TypeScript - a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript;
  • React - a useful declarative UI library with a vast ecosystem;
  • Redux - a powerful state-management solution;
  • Material UI - a clean UI library for React;
  • Google Maps API - a popular maps solution;
  • Webpack - a great javaScript module bundler.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


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