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The EARLY tool


The main goal of the EARLY tool is to monitor the network traffic in realtime against known security attacks for different application domains and deploy countermeasures before the attacks are completed. The main feature of this tool is to detect ongoing attacks with high accuracy.

The tool has three main components:

  • a training module is used to train neural network models using various datasets for different application domains;
  • a library of attack models is used to stored trained models
  • a monitoring module is used to monitor the corresponding type of network traffic. Whenever attacks are detected, automatic countermeasures can be deployed based on predefined triggers.


It requires 3.6+ version of Python.

git clone
cd earlytool
python install


It has two main components which should be executed in separate console windows.

1) Monitor

This component reads packets either from a PCAP file or a network interface. It constructs flows and get corresponding predictions from a given model. It runs a HTTP server which can be used to get fetch flows information.

Usage: early_monitor [OPTIONS]

  -i, --interface TEXT      Analyze live data from the network interface.
  -f, --pfile FILE          Analyze data from a PCAP file.
  -b, --bpf-filter TEXT     Filter network traffic using BPFs.  [default: ip and (tcp or udp)]
  -c, --classifier FILE     Path to a classifier python module that will be used for making predictions. If the module exists in the early/classifier folder, then just provide the name of module without '.py'.  [default: random_classifier]
  -o, --output-csv          output completed flows as csv
  --in                      Dump incomplete flows to the csv file before existing the program.
  -w, --workers INTEGER     No. of workers are used to write flows to a CSV file. [default: 2]
  -t, --flow-timeout FLOAT  Specify the maximum duration in seconds as the flow timeout.  [default: 120.0]
  -d, --delay-millisecond INTEGER
                            Add a delay of d milliseconds after sniffing every packet.  [default: 0]
  -k, --keep-flows INTEGER  Maximum number of most recent flows to keep in memory. [default: unlimited]
  -p, --packets-per-detection INTEGER
                            Maximum number of packets in a flow used for detection. [default: unlimited]
  -r, --per-packet          Get a prediction per packet instead of per flow.
  --version                 Show the version and exit.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  {--interface, --pfile}  exactly 1 required
  {--output-csv}           if --in is set

PS: On linux systems you may need to install the libpcap library and tcpdump software. On Windows, you need to install Npcap and WinDump to run the monitor.

Read packets from a PCAP file:

python -f /home/user/earlytool/example_pcap/traffic_5f_ni.pcap

Or capture packets from a network interface: (need root permission)

sudo python -i eno1


The API will return a JSON containing the information and detection results regarding all the flows observed until the given last_time parameter value.


  • last_time: (float) the time in seconds since the epoch as a floating point number also known as Unix time.


  "flows": [
      "name": "Flow 0",
      "dest_ip": "",
      "src_ip": "",
      "src_port": 49429, 
      "dst_port": 80,
      "last_updated": 1499342476.61973,
      "length": 5,
      "prediction": [
      "name": "Flow 1",
      "dest_ip": "",
      "src_ip": "",
      "src_port": 49439, 
      "dst_port": 80,
      "last_updated": 1499342478.61973,
      "length": 2,
      "prediction": [
  "latest_timestamp": 1695910814.315083

2) Command Line Interface Display

This component fetches results from the monitor and displays flows in the command line.

Usage: early_display [OPTIONS]

  -u, --url-early TEXT      URL endpoint to get updates from Early tool. [default:]
  -w, --warning-threshold FLOAT RANGE
                            Warning threshold from 0 to 100 w.r.t. the
                            confidence score.  [default: 40.0; 0<=x<=100]
  -a, --alert-threshold FLOAT RANGE
                            Alert threshold from 0 to 100 w.r.t. the confidence
                            score.  [default: 50.0; 0<=x<=100]
  -r, --refresh-millisecond INTEGER
                            Refresh results after every r milliseconds. [default: 250]
  -f, --timestamp-format TEXT  Format the timestamp in the Updated at column. [default: %y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
  -s, --show-flows INTEGER  Maximum number of flows to display.  [default: 100]
  -l, --write-log           Dump flows to a log file.
  --version                 Show the version and exit.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


  1. Run the display to show 50 recently updated flows and update the results after every 500 milliseconds.
python -s 50 -r 500 -w 40 -a 50 


early_display -s 50 -r 500 -w 40 -a 50 

monitor's output in the terminal

  1. Run the monitor to read every packet from the given PCAP file with a delay of 1000 milliseconds and use a trained model to get predictions:
python -f example_pcap/traffic_5f_ni.pcap -c trained_cicids17 -d 1000


early_monitor -f example_pcap/traffic_5f_ni.pcap -c trained_cicids17 -d 1000

monitor's output in the terminal


EARLY: A Tool for Real-Time Security Attack Detection. Ahmad, T., Truscan, D. & Vain, J., Dec 2023, CyberSecurity in a DevOps Environment : From Requirements to Monitoring. Sadovykh, A., Truscan, D., Mallouli, W., Cavalli, A. R., Seceleanu, C. & Bagnato, A. (eds.). Springer, p. 225-252

Efficient Early Anomaly Detection of Network Security Attacks Using Deep Learning. Ahmad, T. & Truscan, D., Aug 2023, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). IEEE

Preliminary Results in Using Attention for Increasing Attack Identification Efficiency. Ahmad, T., Truscan, D. & Vain, J., May 2023, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation. IEEE, p. 159-164 6 p. (IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops).

Early Detection of Network Attacks Using Deep Learning Ahmad, T., Truscan, D., Vain, J. & Porres, I., 2022, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW). IEEE, p. 30-39 10 p.