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Embedded files for CMake projects

A simple tool for embedding files through static arrays, written in C89.

Why would I use this?

  1. C23's #embed is cool and may even be supported by a small number of compilers in a decade or two.
  2. ld magic is not available on Windows.
  3. xxd is an external tool that you have to install, semb builds and runs from CMake.

Why would I not use this?

  1. You don't need to embed files.
  2. CMake 3.20 is required for cmake_path command.
  3. Big files are slow to embed and even slower to compile.
  4. Having ~140 LOC dependency is a bit too much for you.


  1. Add this repo as a CMake subdirectory (you only need semb.c and CMakeLists.txt);
  2. Use CMake function semb_generate;
  3. #include generated file and use embedded data.
The function
semb_generate(<target> OUT <output.h> [BINARY] FILES <file1> [<fileN>...])

What it does:

  • adds current binary directory as include directory for target;
  • generates output.h in current binary directory during build process:
    • any relative path may be used, e.g. ../foo/bar.h;
    • to #include the generated file simply use the same path;
  • adds output.h to the source list of target.
  • fileN are paths of files to be embedded:
    • if BINARY option is set, paths are resolved from current binary directory;
    • if BINARY option is not set, paths are resolved from current source directory.
A quick example
semb_generate(my-target OUT embed.h FILES

Will generate:

static const unsigned char file1_png[] = {
        0x00, 0x00, ...
static const unsigned char file2_txt[] = {
        0x00, 0x00, ...
static const unsigned char file3_ext[] = {
        0x00, 0x00, ...

Full example

Let's make a program that prints its own source code.

Project structure
├─ external
│  └─ semb
│     ├─ CMakeLists.txt
│     └─ semb.c
├─ CMakeLists.txt
└─ main.c   
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
project(example C)


add_executable(example main.c)
semb_generate(example OUT embed_main.h FILES main.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "embed_main.h"

int main() {
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(main_c); i++) {
        printf("%c", (char)main_c[i]);
    return 0;


Embedded files for CMake projects





