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This AngularJS application is the frontend module for Union VMS.

Getting Started

Below instructions will get you a copy of the frontend module up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


The application is run on node.js please download and install Node.js v 5.7.1 if a newer version of node already is installed we recommend you to use nvm to be able to run this version. Verify the version and installation by running node --version && npm --version


Clone this repository and follow below step by step to get a development environment running.

  1. Run below command to install Yeoman, Bower and Grunt to be able to develop, serve and build the application
$ npm install --global yo bower grunt-cli
  1. Install the Angular generator, this is needed to generate new frontend components
$ npm install -g generator-cg-angular
  1. Install bower packages by running below command (specified in the manifest file bower.json)
$ bower install
  1. Install npm packages by running below command (specified in the manifest file package.json)
$ npm install

Grunt tasks

The project is using Grunt as a task runner. The config file with all tasks can be found in Gruntfile.js

Serve the application

A backend environment needs to be present to be able to run the frontend code locally. Please follow the documentation on Focus fish on how to setup a Docker environment. Please specify the Wildfly port within the Gruntfile.js at connect:proxies, if you follow above guide the port should be set to '28080'.

Run below command to serve the application on a web server http://localhost:9001

$ grunt serve

Running the tests

Running below command will start Mocha tests via Karma-runner. This will also create a coverage report found in /testResults.

$ grunt test

Build the application

Below command will minify, compress and concatenates the project to only a few highly compressed files found in /dist. Kindly note that unit tests will be run before the built files can created.

The build process uses grunt-dom-munger to pull script references from the index.html:

  • To prevent a script or stylesheet from being included in concatenation, put a data-concat="false" attribute on the link or script tag.

  • To prevent a script or link tag from being removed from the finalized index.html, use a data-remove="false" attribute.

$ grunt build-ci

To build the application with Maven use below command:

clean deploy -DskipTests$build-ci -U


Running below command will render Javascript documentation to /dist/docs/. Javascript documentation through JSDoc should be added for all components created.

$ grunt build-docs

Development and style guide

To generate a new component to the project use Angular Generator with below command depending on the component.

$ yo cg-angular:directive my-directive
$ yo cg-angular:partial my-partial
$ yo cg-angular:service my-service
$ yo cg-angular:filter my-filter


Please read Focus Fish - Union VMS Documentation for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.


Developed with the contribution of the European Commission - Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries © European Union, 2015-2017.

This file is part of the Integrated Fisheries Data Management (IFDM) Suite. The IFDM Suite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. The IFDM Suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the IFDM Suite. If not, see
