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ArmUs is a 5 axis robot made to reproduce movement and goemetry of a real human arm. It's made by a team of 6 sherbrooke university undergraduates. The goal is to eventually add a robotic hand at the end and be able to control the whole arm-hand assembly by moving your arm.


At this stage, the arm can be controled either in joint or in cartisian mode and can be visualized and calibrated in real time, it also supports software protection, torque limiters to reduce risks and a simulation mode for test purposes.

Control interface (HMI) HMI

Accessing documentation

To open a package's documentation, open the index.html file found in it's "/doc" folder in your browser. Ex:

firefox ~/catkin_ws/src/arm_us/arm_us/doc/html/index.html


Setting up your environement (software)

  1. Start by installing ubuntu 20.04 desktop Focal Fossa on your machine (VM or dualboot), dualboot is highly recommended.

  2. Install ROS-Noetic by following this tutorial

  3. Edit your bashrc

    • Open your .bashrc (if you're using bash)
      sudo nano ~/.bashrc
    • Then add these lines at the end
      source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
      source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
    • Save and exit
  4. Setup your catkin_ws by following this tutorial

  5. Clone all the arm_us packages from this git repo to your catkin_ws/src folder

    • arm_us
    • arm_us_graph
    • gui_arm_us
    • arm_us_msg
  6. Install all the dependencies:

    • Dependencies

      • joy
      • dynamixel_sdk
      • dynamixel_interface
    • Run these commands to install packages available in rosdep:

      sudo apt install ros-noetic-joy
    • Some packages need to be cloned directly from GitHub as they aren't maintained in rosdep, to clone them,

      • first make /catkin_ws/src/ your working directory:
        cd ~/catkin_ws/src
      • Then, enter these commands to clone the packages:
        git clone
        git clone
    • Once all dependencies are installed, don't forget to compile your workspace

      cd ~/catkin_ws/
  7. Setup your OpenCR in bridge mode

    1. Install ArduinoIDE on a computer
    2. Follow the steps in section 4.X (depending on your operating system) of the ROBOTIS e-Manual for OpenCR
    3. Select the OpenCR board in ArduinoIDE
    4. Select "usb_to_dxl" In File -> Examples -> OpenCR -> 10. Etc -> usb_to_dxl
    5. Upload the example to the OpenCr board, make sure you're on the correct port and the device in /dev/ttyXXX has read/write access
      sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0

    The OpenCR board is now in bridge mode. We will be able to control it directly from the Serial Port

Material (Software side)

For the robot's assembly, follow the in /Mechanics.

  • 1 OpenCR board
  • 1 OpenCR 120VAC to 12VDC powersupply
  • 2 Dynamixel XL430 motors
  • 3 Dynamixel XM430 motors
  • 1 USB micro B to USB A
  • 1 Generic controller (any controller compatible with joy will work, you'll probably need to remap the keybindings if you're not using a logitech controller, in /arm_us/config/controller_config.yaml

Running the robot

Open a terminal and launch the first launchfile:

roslaunch arm_us 1_interface.launch

This will start the HMI and the communication with the motors. Calibrate the robot by following this guide.

Once ArmUs is calibrated, launch the 2nd launchfile

roslaunch arm_us 2_control.launch

This will enable the torque on the motors and enable the control with the controller, you should now be able to control the motors with your controller in joint or cartesian as you wish (see [keybinding]

Joint control

Cartesian control

Before killing your node, if you want to keep your calibration values, run this command

rosparam dump **yourpath**/calib.yaml

and copy the lines under "motor_translator:" in the config file arm_us/config/joint_limit.yaml.

ROS information

General picture



There are 4 packages in ArmUs:

Launch files

  • 1_interface.launch

    • Nodes:
      • motor_controller
      • motor_translator
      • rqt
  • 2_control.launch

    • Param:

      • Verbose
      • Simulation
      • Controller
    • Nodes:

      • master_node
      • joy_node
      • arm_us_graphic
    • Service:

      • inv_kin_calc_service

Config files

Msg, srv and action files

Information for msg, srv and action files can be found directly in the arm_us_msg package

  • Messages

    • GraphInfo.msg

      • Consists of an array of float64s of length 5 named angle that represents the angles of the joints in degrees
      • It is used to send the joint angles in degrees from the motor translator to the master node, where it is then sent back to the inverse kinematic service node to control the arm in cartesian mode, and to the graph node to visualize the position of the arm in real time in Rviz.
    • GuiInfo.msg

      • Consists of an int8 named current_joint that represents the current joint controlled, and another int8 named current_mode, which represents the current movement mode.
      • It is used to send the current joint controlled and the current movement mode to the Gui node so that the user can see in real time the information.
    • JointLimits.msg

      • Consists of an array of booleans of length 5 named joint_limits that indicates if any of the joints reached their limits.
      • It is used by the motor translator to send information to the Gui to indicate if any joint limits are reached.
  • Services

    • InverseKinematicCalc.srv
      • Request :
        • angles : An array of float64s of length 3 named angles that represents the current angles of the first 3 joints used in the inverse kinematic equations.
        • commands : An array of float64s of length 4 named commands that represents the velocities of the end effector of the arm in the X, Y and Z axis.
      • Response :
        • velocities : An array of float64s of length 3 that represents the velocities of the first 3 joints needed to do the cartesian movement requested.
        • singularMatrix : A boolean name singularMatrix which indicates if a singularMatrix was encountered when calculating the joint velocities.


MIT Licence


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