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MTProto Proxy Exporter

Go Report Card Build Status

Prometheus exporter for MTProto Proxy Stats. At this moment working only with simple numeric values.


Configuration must be stored in YAML file and passed through -config command. Sample configuration can be viewed with -help command.

address:         ":8080"
stats_address:   "http://localhost:2398/stats"
interval:        5
request_timeout: 10

  - stat_name: "total_special_connections"
    name:      "mtproto_proxy_users_count"
    help:      "Users count"

  - stat_name: "active_connections"
    name:      "mtproto_active_connections_count"
    help:      "Active connections count"

  - stat_name: "uptime"
    name:      "mtproto_proxy_uptime"
    help:      "Uptime"
Property Type Description
address String Listening address
stats_address String MTProto Proxy stats URL
interval Int Scan interval
metrics Metric[] Mapping items
Property Type Description
stat_name String Input MTProto Proxy stat name
name String Output Prometheus metric name
help String Output Prometheus metric help

Building and running

go get
go build mtproto_proxy_exporter.go

To see config file help:

./mtproto_proxy_exporter -help