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Initial 3.x release

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@tmcw tmcw released this 17 May 17:35
· 2733 commits to master since this release

This is a big change in Turf! 3.0.0 is a release that targets the development
cycle of Turf, letting us work on it more and release more often.


Turf 3.x and forward is a monorepo project. We publish lots of little modules
as usual, but there's one repo - turfjs/turf - that contains all the code
and the issues for the Turf source code. We use lerna
to link these packages together and make sure they work.

Why? We already had internal turf modules, like turf-meta, and development
was harder and harder - we had a bunch of custom scripts to do releases and
tests, and these were just written for Turf. Lerna is from the very popular
and very well-maintained babel project, and it
works really well, and reduces maintainer sadness.


Turf grew a bunch of modules that weren't totally necessary, or were
expressing only a line or two of JavaScript. We want to make things easier,
but these modules didn't make code more expressive and they hid complexity
where it didn't need to be hidden. Turf 3.x focuses on the core
functionalities we need, making sure they're tested and performant.

Removed modules: merge, sum, min, max, average, median, variance, deviation, filter, remove, jenks, quantile.
See the upgrade guide below for replacements.

Upgrading from v2

If you were using turf-merge

turf-merge repeatedly called turf-union on an array of polygons. Here's
how to implement the same thing without the special module

var clone = require('clone');
var union = require('turf-union');
function merge(polygons) {
  var merged = clone(polygons.features[0]), features = polygons.features;
  for (var i = 0, len = features.length; i < len; i++) {
    var poly = features[i];
    if (poly.geometry) merged = union(merged, poly);
  return merged;

If you were using turf-sum, min, max, average, median, variance, deviation

The turf-collect method provides the core of these statistical methods
and lets you bring your own statistical library, like simple-statistics,
science.js, or others.

If you were using turf-filter, turf-remove

These modules were thin wrappers around native JavaScript methods: use
Array.filter instead:

var filteredFeatures = features.filter(function(feature) {
  return > 10;

If you were using turf-jenks, turf-quantile

Use to get values, and then bring your own statistical calculation,
like simple-statistics or science.js.

var values = {