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  • python runserver

file description in this project

| instructions_For_install_MongoCXXDriver.txt | how to install mongo cxx driver to implement communication between ns3 controller and mongoDB | | media/ | folder for domination map which is dynamically generated in backend and updates when new documents add in mongo | | script for automatically set up the development environment(not finish) |

Create a new mongo user

  • db.createUser({user:"", pwd:"****", roles:[{role:"userAdminAnyDatabase", db:"admin"}]})

create a new database

  • use newDatabase

import data into mongo database

  • mongoimport --db 5gopt --collection normal --type csv --file ~/code/data/normal_800m.csv --headerline --ignoreBlanks
  • mongoimport --db 5gopt --collection main_file_with_UserTHR --type csv --file ~/Downloads/main_file_with_UserTHR.csv --fields "Time,LocationX,LocationY,UserID,CellID,RSRP,RSRQ,SINR,UserThR" --ignoreBlanks
  • mongoexport --db 5gopt --collection normal --out traffic.json

install mongo c driver and mongo cxx driver to implment communication between ns-allinone-3.26 and mongo v2.6.12

  • cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local ..

restore bson file into mongodb

  • mongorestore -d db_name -c collection_name path/file.bson
  • ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c normal /home/tupevarj/Downloads/normal.bson
  • ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c controlpanel /home/tupevarj/Downloads/controlpanel.bson
  • ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c outage /home/tupevarj/Downloads/outage.bson
  • ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c event_log /home/tupevarj/Downloads/event_log.bson
  • ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c main_file_with_UserTHR /home/tupevarj/Downloads/main_file_with_UserTHR.bson

development environment necessary libraries

| libraries | version | command to install | | python | 3.6.3 | anaconda 3 | | mongo | 2.6.12 | ......... | | django | 1.11.7 | [pip install Django==1.11.7] | | MongoDB shell version | 2.6.12 | ..... | | pymongo | 3.5.1 | [pip install pymongo==3.1.1] | | OS | RHEL 7 | ...... | | pycharm | 2017.2.4 | ... |

| Database name | 5gopt | | DB user name | ... | | DB password | ... |

related documentation for this project

Match between display figures in front end and database

Display in Front End Data in MongoDB
unnormal cell detection table Fake data in Backend not from Mongo
Domination Map dominationmap
throughput line graph main_file_with_UserTHR

Collection schemas

dominationmap x y z sinr
Demo -250 -250 1.5 1.45
main_file_with_UserTHR Time UserThR LocationX UserID CellID RSRP RSRQ SINR LocationY
Demo 0.2 NaN 948 1 1 -113 NaN NaN 1429
event_log "TIME" "X" "S" "IMSI" A2 RSRQ Enter RSRQ CellID
Demo 8 964 423 19 -9.315 14
handover_log "TIME" "X" "Y" "IMSI" EVENT "CellID"
Demo 12.26 449 449 20 "Handover End OK" 11
normal(outage) Time UeNodeNo UeRNTI RSRP Serving_Cell RSRQ Cell_ID
Demo 0,2 21 0 -89,9397 0 -nan 20
controlpanel cellID normal outage coc cco mro mlb dirty_flag
Demo 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

run ns3 command

  • ns-3.26>$ ./waf --run="CSONDemo --simTime=5 --ns3::LteHelper::HandoverAlgorithm=ns3::A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm"

to do list

  1. set up Apache when it's ready to deploy Django in production.
  2. preprocessing the data, which the final table schema should be like the following:
Time User LocationX LocationY RSRP_1st 1stRSRP_Corresponding_RSRQ RSRP_2nd 2ndRSRP_Corresponding_RSRQ RSRP_3rd 3rdRSRP_Corresponding_RSRQ RSRP_4th 4thRSRP_Corresponding_RSRQ Serving Cell
0.2 1 .. .. .. ..
0.2 2 ..
0.2 .. ..
0.4 1 .. ..
0.4 2 .. ..
Serving Cell: pick the cell number which its rsrp value is the biggest, therefore, pick the rsrp_1st corresponding cell
calculate all users at specific time point, then for the next time point, repeat the above process.
the final data schema should be following: