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Tomas Celaya edited this page Dec 31, 2017 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the java-manta wiki!

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The following guides have been created to make it easier to get started with the java-manta library. Code samples in the guides assume unambiguous imports will automatically be added by your editor but will also include an appendix of named classes and links to their respective source files.

Getting Started

Installing java-manta is easy, but how do you actually use the features it provides? These guides provide high-level introductions to features of the library, providing code samples along the way and links to guides with deeper explanations. If you're not sure where to begin this is the list for you!


These guides serve as guided examples for accomplishing a task.


There are 29 configuration parameters available for tweaking! These settings include basic credentials, performance tuning, and encryption behavior, but also extends to how java-manta is installed and what other extensions are available.

  • Credentials, keys, and encryption settings
  • Logging
  • Performance tuning - COMING SOON
  • Credentials, reloaded! - COMING SOON
  • JMX and ConfigContextMBean - COMING SOON
  • Improving performance with extensions - COMING SOON
  • Maximum customization with HttpClientBuilder - COMING SOON

Interacting with objects

Multipart Uploads


  • Objects - COMING SOON
  • Metatada - COMING SOON
  • Multipart Uploads - COMING SOON

Error Handling