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Releases: Triangle-Modeling-and-Analytics/TRMG2

TRMG2 v1.3.1

28 Feb 20:12
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This is the official Triangle Regional Model and it reflects the adopted 2050 MTP Amendment (August 2023). This model uses TransCAD 9.0 Build 32960 and won't be compatible with any previous TC versions.

Numerous reporting tools are provided within the TRMG2 menu and the Wiki provides details and guidance.

Wiki -
Documentation -

Summary report files from the 2020 and 2050 scenario are included to confirm that your model run matches the official. After completing a model run, find this summary report here: output_summaries\roadway_tables\Congested_VMT_by_County.csv.

What's Changed

  • Project lists repaired to reflect 2050 MTP Amendment as of August 2023
  • Bug fixes for some reporting tools and summaries
  • Additional reporting tools have been developed and included

Full Changelog: v1.3...v1.3.1

TRMG2 v1.3

19 Sep 17:28
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This is the official Triangle Regional Model and it reflects the adopted 2050 MTP Amendment (August 2023). This model uses TransCAD 9.0 Build 32895.

Numerous reporting tools are provided within the TRMG2 menu and the Wiki provides details and guidance.

Wiki -
Documentation -

Summary report files from the 2020 and 2050 scenario are included to confirm that your model run matches the official. After completing a model run, find this summary report here: output_summaries\roadway_tables\Congested_VMT_by_County.csv.

TRMG2 v1.2

23 Feb 18:31
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Improvements in this release include corrections to the 2050 networks, enhancement of the transit project management, and various minor corrections/improvements.

For the first time, this release includes a summary report file from the 2020 scenario. This can be used to verify that your local model run matched ours. After running the base scenario, find your report here:


This model uses TransCAD Version 9.0 Build 32885.

TRMG2 v1.1

11 Nov 15:07
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This release reflects a number of improvements to the model. Most importantly, both CAMPO and DCHC reviewed and revised the master link layer to reflect 2050 projects. The 2050 scenario has its own warm start file of initial congested link travel times, which greatly reduces run time requirements. Another important change is the correction to capacity calculation, which primarily affected urban and downtown arterials.

This release also includes new tools like the Scenario Comparison Tool and new summaries. See the wiki for more details.

TRMG2 v1.0

12 Apr 21:14
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The first full release of the TRMG2. It is fully calibrated, validated, and has a 2020 base year. There are currently no future-year scenario included with the model. These will be added later.

TRMG2 2016 Validated Deliverable

03 Feb 16:59
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This is the second interim deliverable and the last one with a 2016 base year. This model has been fully calibrated and validated to 2016 observed data. The validation tech memo first draft is complete and will be added to this release once it has finished the internal review process.

TRMG2 2016 Interim Deliverable

30 Nov 15:33
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The purpose of this interim release is to provide a model that TRM stakeholders can run and get comfortable with. Nothing in this release should be considered final. Anything could be changed as development work continues, but changes should be relatively minor.

This release is missing the university submodules, which are still being developed and tested on a separate branch of the repo. While this certainly impacts model results, model installation, scenario creation, and similar activities are not impacted.

Download to get the model.