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Back-end repository

Click here to navigate: Backend Repository Link


  • In order to run the current project, you must also clone the back-end repo and run it

How to run this project

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open the project, and install all the deps and devDeps (This process may takes more than a few minutes):
  • For yarn users, run yarn

  • For npm users, run npm install

  • For pnpm users, run pnpm install

  1. Run yarn dev to start a localhost server, or you can run yarn dev --host to host and let other devices get access to the website you're currently hosting

What i was using and is gonna be using in this project πŸ€”

  • Framework: React

  • Programming languages: TypescriptπŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

  • UI / CSS Library: SASS, styled-components, Tailwind πŸ’…

  • State Management: React Query for async state and React Context for other states πŸ”

  • Form Management: React Hook Form πŸ‘€

  • Router: React Router 6️⃣

  • Build tool: Vite ⚑

  • Multilingualism: i18next πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

  • Self-testing and unit-testing applied πŸ”§

  • And many more ...

My notes

For "@floating-ui/react": "^0.21.0",

How can i make the floating element the same width as the references ?

The quickest and most optimized solution is to use the size middleware, like the following:

const { x, y, strategy, refs, context, middlewareData } = useFloating({
  middleware: [
    arrow({ element: arrowRef }),
      apply({ rects, elements }) {
        Object.assign(, {
          width: `${rects.reference.width}px`,
  placement: placement,
  open: isOpen,
  onOpenChange: setIsOpen,

How can i close all of the current opening floating elements when i click outside of its children and itself

You can use useDismiss hook to do that. First in order to show the floating element you should declare events like onClick, onMouseEnter, e.t.c in the element. Like this:

  onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}

And now you might use all of the codes followed on the documentation, implement it into your code. Here's an example:

type PopoverProps = {
  children?: React.ReactNode;
  renderPopover?: React.ReactNode;
  className?: string;
  as?: React.ElementType;
  initialOpen?: boolean;
  placement?: Placement;
  offsetPx?: number;

const PopoverFocus = ({
  initialOpen = false,
  offsetPx = 10,
  placement = "bottom-end",
  as: Element = "div",
}: PopoverProps) => {
  const arrowRef = useRef<HTMLElement>(null);
  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState<boolean>(initialOpen);
  const { x, y, strategy, refs, context, middlewareData } = useFloating({
    middleware: [
      arrow({ element: arrowRef }),
        apply({ rects, elements }) {
          Object.assign(, {
            width: `${rects.reference.width}px`,
    placement: placement,
    open: isOpen,
    onOpenChange: setIsOpen,
  const dismiss = useDismiss(context);

  const { getReferenceProps, getFloatingProps } = useInteractions([dismiss]);
  return (
      onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}
      <FloatingPortal>// Your floating element content</FloatingPortal>

Parent element height increases when datepicker is opened

Because you're using Tailwind to set the font-size and line-height for texts. So for example, text-sm will set that element's styles to:

.text-sm {
  font-size: 0.875rem /* 14px */;
  line-height: 1.25rem /* 20px */;

What made your parent element height increase is the line-height property, you can fix that by set only the font-size to 14px using jit-mode



Instead of:
