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⚠️ Warning
This script is for the new powershell connector. Make sure to use the mapping and correlation keys like mentionded in this readme. For more information, please read our documentation. Note that this connector is not yet implemented. Contact our support for further assistance.
This connector replaces the current Ysis connector.
ℹ️ Information
This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.

Table of contents


The HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-YsisV2 connector creates and updates user accounts within Ysis. The Ysis API is a SCIM based ( API and has some limitations for our provisioning process. For more information you can check the Ysis SCIM documentation (

❗It is not possible to change the discipline of an existing account. Therefore, during the update life-cycle a change in discipline will launch a conditional event which sends an email to the Ysis administrator.

  • In Ysis each account has a discipline that acts as the account type.
  • When a person requires a different (or an extra discipline), a new user account must be created with the new discipline. Manual actions by the Ysis administrator are needed.


The interface to communicate with Profit is through a set of GetConnectors, which is component that allows the creation of custom views on the Profit data. GetConnectors are based on a pre-defined 'data collection', which is an existing view based on the data inside the Profit database.

For this connector we have created a default set, which can be imported directly into the AFAS Profit environment. The HelloID connector consists of the template scripts shown in the following table.

Action Action(s) Performed Comment
create.ps1 Create or correlate Ysis account Create or correlates an Ysis account. If correlated and UpdateOnCorrelate is configured, the update will be processed
enable.ps1 Activate Ysis account Activates Ysis account
update.ps1 Update Ysis account Update on Ysis account. Conditional event on discipline change.
disable.ps1 Deactivate Ysis account Deactivates Ysis account
delete.ps1 Archive Ysis account Archives the Ysis account

Getting Started


  • The outgoing IP address of the HelloID agentserver must be whitelisted by GeriMedica.
  • Mapping between function and discipline.

Connection settings

The following settings are required to connect to the API.

Setting Description
ClientID The ClientId to connect to the Ysis API
ClientSecret The ClientSecret to connect to the Ysis API
BaseUrl The URL to the Ysis environment. Example:


PUT method for all update actions

All update actions use an HTTP.PUT method. This means that the full account object will be send to Ysis. For both the enable and disable lifecycle actions, we first retrieve the account, update the active property accordingly and send back the full object.

Full update within the update lifecycle action

The update lifecycle action now supports a full account update. Albeit, the update itself is a PUT. This means that the full object will be updated within Ysis. Since the update process is also supported from the create lifecycle action, this might have unexpected implications.

Some values may not be available in HelloID because they are not available in the HR system. If these values are added manually in Ysis you need to make sure HelloID sends back the current value in the update.ps1 script. Example:

# Set AGB to existing if null or empty
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($previousAccount.AgbCode)) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($account.AgbCode)) {
    $account.AgbCode = $previousAccount.AgbCode

Discipline and the Ysis-initals are stored in $aRef

When HelloID has created the Ysis account, the discipline will be stored in the account reference. That makes it possible to, within the update lifecycle action, verify if the discipline has changed. Whenever a change has been detected, an email will be send indicating that that a new account must be created or the existing one must be updated. The discipline will also be included in this email.

Archiving an Ysis-account

HelloID can archive a Ysis account, but can't dearchive an Ysis account. HelloID will update the Ysis username to the YsisIntials to make sure a new account can be created. If updating the username is not used. Then this can result in messages regarding existing usernames. The archived account then needs to be dearchived manually or corrected by setting a dummy username.


The mandatory and recommended field mapping is listed below. Some fields are required by Ysis and are set on creating an account. When an update is triggered, the required/immutable fields are set to the existing values from the existing user.

Name Create Enable Update Disable Delete Store in account data Used in Notification Default mapping Mandatory Comment
AgbCode X X No No None
BigNumber X X No No None
Discipline X X Yes Yes Calculated by create and update Yes Calculated in script to trigger a conditional event
Email X X No No Complex: Mailaddress from dependent system E-Mail work; Ysis accepts only one mailaddress
EmployeeNumber X X No No Field: ExternalId Yes Employeenumber
FamilyName X X No No Complex: LastName Yes Lastname based on naming convention
Gender X X No No Complex: Gender Gender
GivenName X X No No Field: NickName Yes Nickname
Infix X X No No Complex: LastName prefix Prefix based on naming convention
Initials X X No No Field: Initials Yes Initials; required but immutable
MobilePhone X X No No Field: Work mobile Mobile phonenumber
Password X No No Complex: Generated Yes (on creation) Initial password on creation
Position X X No No Field: Title Jobtitle
UserName X X X No Yes Complex: Username from dependent system Yes Unique username in Ysis, also used for SSO
WorkPhone X X No No Field: Work phone Fixed phonenumber
YsisInitials X X X Yes Yes Complex: Generated Yes Required immutable unique combination


It is mandatory to enable the correlation in the correlation tab. The default value for "person correlation field" is " ExternalId". The default value for "Account Correlation field" is "EmployeeNumber".

Conditional Event

A conditional event needs to be set up based on changes of the discipline. On this event a notification can be configured to send an e-mail to the Ysis-administrator.

Getting help

For more information on how to configure a HelloID PowerShell connector, please refer to our documentation pages

If you need help, feel free to ask questions on our forum

HelloID Docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at: