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A Clojure workspace for Stable Diffusion.

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A Clojure workspace for Stable Diffusion.

Runs on top of Python, using PyTorch with the Nvidia CUDA Toolkit.

Hardware Requirements

An Nvidia GPU with at least 10GB VRAM should work fine for generating HD animations. VRAM of 8GB or less may work at low resolutions after some tuning. GPUs from different manufacturers may require some tinkering to get PyTorch working.



Install Git

Nvidia CUDA 11.8 compiler (NVCC)

Check your Nvidia CUDA compiler version with nvcc --version. Install NVCC with CUDA Toolkit.


Install Python 3.11

Python 3.11 with CUDA 11.8

pip install -r requirements.txt

⚠️ Building xformers may take a long time.

In case of problems, see Trouble-Shooting and Manual python dependency setup below.

Download and prepare Stable Diffusion model

⚠️ Requires an account on

cd models
git lfs install
git lfs clone
git lfs clone
git lfs clone

Add Riffusion


git submodule add

ℹ Make sure the riffusion directory is available as a python-module.

Leiningen And Clojure

ℹ Use JDK 17 or similar, i.e. from

Install Leiningen from

The Clojure version is set in Leiningens build file project.clj.


Set your python-dir and your workspace-path in proomp.config.


  • Check and adjust the parameters in proomp.core.
    • Set an active-mode.
      • ::images Generates different images from a prompt. Can be used to find a good start seed.
      • ::animation Generates frames for a prompt and a start seed.
      • ::video Creates a video from the generated frames.
    • Set a wittyful prompt.
      • Optionally provide a negative prompt and change the prompt additions according to your needs.
    • Consider changing the active pipe setup and resolutions.
    • Finally, run the -main function in proomp.core (see core.clj) after preparing your run configuration with the VM arguments below.

Enable native access:


Enable experimental JDK features (required with JDK 17 and similar):

--add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign,jdk.incubator.vector

Test Reports


proomp.core-test contains tests to check if Cuda is available and to check if PyTorch bindings are working.

In case of problems, consider the following:

  • PyTorch needs to be installed with an active cuda toolkit.
  • The console command nvcc --version should return Cuda compilation tools with version 11.8.

PyTorch Installation

Pytorch needs to be compiled in context of CUDA 11.8. In case of problems, see:

Manual python dependency setup

In case of problems with the dependencies in requirements.txt, something like the following should work:

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install --upgrade numpy
pip install --upgrade Pillow
pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
pip install diffusers[torch]==0.11.0
pip install --upgrade scikit-image --pre
pip install --upgrade transformers
pip install --upgrade accelerate
pip install --upgrade safetensors
pip install --upgrade xformers

install ffmpeg:

  • the ffmpeg version provided by pip may not work without additional tinkering install everything in

  • numpy and Pillow are required to install torch.

  • torch requires the CUDA compiler (NVCC).

    • Python version 3.11, requires a nightly torch build since there's no official support.
    • It may also be possible to use CUDA 11.7 with Python 3.9 for a more stable setup.
      • To do so, manually fix the version numbers in the commands or in requirements.txt
  • diffusers require torch and shouldn't be higher than version 0.11.0 (for now).

  • scikit-image depends on numpy and may require VS C++ Build Tools to compile.

  • xformers are used to allow higher resolutions with less VRAM.

  • ffmpeg is used by Riffusion.