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Just some boilerplate code to get you started with a JavaScript-heavy HTML5 page (e.g. an HTML5 game).

Uses gulp.

  1. git clone --depth=1 --branch=master git:// my-project
  2. cd my-project
  3. rm -rf .git
  4. Edit package.json
  5. npm install
  6. npm run dev

There are a few gulp tasks predefined:

  • clean
  • compile Runs the following hidden subtasks:
    • compileMarkup Transforms your Pug (formerly Jade) file to HTML
    • compileScript Runs rollup on your source code. Entry point is the file src/js/main.js
    • compileStyle Concatenates your CSS files (I dropped support for SASS) and minimizes it
    • minifyJS Minifies your JavaScript code
    • zip Create a zip archive and prints its file size. Useful for js13kGames.
  • watch Starts a local web server that runs on port 8080 (can be overriden using the environment variable GULP_PORT). Rebuilds when files change.