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SchemAnon 1.1

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@menzowindhouwer menzowindhouwer released this 18 Aug 20:29
$ java -jar SchemAnon.jar -?
INF: SchemAnon <options> -- <URL> <INPUT>? <EXT>*
INF: <URL>      URL to the XSD Schema and/or Schematron rules
INF: <INPUT>    input directory or file (default: STDIN)
INF: <EXT>      file extension to filter on in the input directory (default: xml)
INF: SchemAnon options:
INF: -p=<PHASE> Schematron phase to use (optional)
INF: -s         Save the Schematron SVRL report (default: don't save)
INF: -i         Print progress info (default: no progress info)
INF: -q         Be quiet (default: print validation info)