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gnar-style [Deprecated]

Gnar shared style configurations.

This library is deprecated and will not be receiving further updates. Check out .gnarrc for modern Rubocop guidelines.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'gnar-style'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gnar-style


This gem includes rubocop, and it's not necessary to separately include rubocop directly in your application's dependencies.

Inheriting from the gem

Create a .rubocop.yml with the following configuration:

    # Choose from one of these three
    - "rubocop/rubocop.yml" # if the pure ruby style is all that's needed
    - "rubocop/rubocop_gem.yml" # if the application is a gem, already inherits from the default ruby style
    - "rubocop/rubocop_rails.yml" # if the application is a rails project, already inherits from the default ruby style

To check your application against these style configurations:

$ bundle exec rubocop

You must use bundle exec when using the inherit_gem directive.

Inheriting from local copies of gem files

Use this approach should you not be able to, or not want to, use the inherit_gem directive. This may be because the requirement to use bundle exec rubocop to find the dependency's runtime installation path is not an option for you.

There is a command to copy the templates locally:

$ bundle exec gnar-style copy_local

The copy_local command accepts a --format option to specify what kind of project you have, and therefore, what files you need.

Acceptable options for the format are:

  • ruby (the default)
  • gem
  • rails

You can use this option as follows:

$ bundle exec gnar-style copy_local --format=gem

Create a .rubocop.yml with the following configuration:

  # Choose from one of these three
  - "gnar_style/rubocop.yml"  # if the pure ruby style is all that's needed
  - "gnar_style/rubocop_gem.yml" # if the application is a gem, already inherits from the default ruby style
  - "gnar_style/rubocop_rails.yml" # if the application is a rails project, already inherits from the default ruby style

To check your application against these style configurations:

$ rubocop

Upon updating this gem for any future updates, you'll need to re-run the copy_local command to store the updates locally.

Overriding Styles

Note that if you add in a local style exception in your own application after inheriting from gnar-style, that will completely override gnar-style's defaults. This is particularly important if you're not looking to modify the style at all, but instead are hoping to add to, for example, the list of files excluded.

Consider the following:

# In gnar-style/default.yml
    - "spec/**/*"
# In your app's .rubocop.yml
    - "rubocop/rubocop.yml"

    - specific_file.rb

In this example, all files in the spec directory will no longer be excluded from the Metrics/BlockLength cop. The excluded array is overridden, and not inherited. This is discussed in this rubocop issue, though the suggestion to have a super keyword does not seem to have been implemented.

If you want to add to the list, you'll instead need to add in the prior array elements into your application's .rubocop.yml by referencing the initial list from gnar-style.

Different Styles

gnar-style provides defaults for three different scenarios. You can specify which configuration to use in your rubocop.yml. See the Usage section for details.

  • rubocop.yml - Base styling configurations.
  • rubocop_rails.yml - Styling for use in a rails project.
  • rubocop_gem.yml - Styling for use in a gem.


Our adherence to our style guide is based on the general case, and not to ensure there are no exceptions. Our philosophy is to use the guide precisely in that way - as a guide. It's not meant as a command that must be taken, but a suggestion to be considered. To the extent that deviations make sense sometimes - great, deviate. However, having rubocop start the discussion and if nothing else, having the author justify to themselves why this deviation is warranted, can be valuable.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

About The Gnar Company

The Gnar Company

If you’re ready to dream it, we’re ready to build it. The Gnar is a custom software company ready to tackle your biggest challenges. Visit The Gnar Company website to learn more about us or contact us to see how we can help design and develop your product.


Shared style configurations for The Gnar Company



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