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Cafe Management System -Full Stack Application




  1. Sign-up api
  2. Login api
  3. Get all users api
  4. Change user status api
  5. Change password and forgegeget password api
  6. Add new category api
  7. Get all category api
  8. Update category api
  9. Add product api
  10. Get all product api
  11. Update product api
  12. Delete product api
  13. Update status of product api
  14. Get product by id api
  15. Generate report api of bill
  16. Delete bills api


Color Chooser App

Languages Used

  1. Java 17

Technology Used

  1. Java
  2. Java SE
  3. Spring Boot 3.0.0
  4. Maven
  5. Lambok
  6. ItexPDF
  7. Apache PDFbox
  8. JSON
  9. HTML5
  10. CSS3
  11. Angular

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition

How to try this project

To try out the project, please follow these Git commands in your terminal:

  1. Clone the Project
  2. Build the project from parent folder

    mvn clean install
  3. Then run the CafeManagementSystemApplication


Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


MIT License
Copyright © 2023 Tharindu Ishan. All Rights Reserved.

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