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Testify Backend

Initialize this project with the command npm i.

package.json includes the following dependencies:


Dependencies dev Dependencies
express cross-env
morgan jest
bcryptjs nodemon
dotenv supertest

and dev dependencies

  • cross-env
  • jest
  • nodemon
  • supertest
Folder and File Structure

The below represents the scaffolding structure for the project.

		 - jwt-helpers.js
		 - register-helpers.js
		 - ensureAuth.js
		 - restricted-middleware.js
     - users-model.js
     - app-model.js
		 - db-config.js
		 - database.db3
		 - testing.db3
## Scripts

Use npm run tests to run tests. User npm run server to run server.


The primary database for this API is database.db3. The testing database is test.db3. Postgres will be adopted during deployment.


users type required unique
id integer required-assigned yes
username varchar yes yes
first_name varchar no no
last_name varchar no no
role** varchar yes no

Data in users will initially be seeded with filler data.

**Role is expected to be either instructor or student.


This API is hosted at



Method Endpoint Data Sent (Required) Data Sent (Optional) Data Returned
POST /api/register username, password, role first_name, last_name object id, username, first_name, last_name, role

When the API recieves a user, it will run checks

  • to verify that the username meets a minimum length and contains no spaces,
  • to verify that the password meets a minimum length
  • to verify that the role is either student or instructor

When one of the above tests fail the server will send back an object with a message property which describes that an error has been encountered. The second property of the object is an array containing error messages for the failed tests. For example, when a user attempts to register an account with no role specified, the server returns the following object: {message: 'x registration error(s) were encountered. ', errors: ['Role must be 'student' or 'instructor.']


Method Endpoint Data Sent (Required) Data Sent (Optional) Data Returned
POST /api/login username, password n/a JSON Web Token**

When a login request is made, the server will check if the username exists, and if so, whether the password is correct.

  • When an incorrect username is provided, the server returns the a 401 error with the message User does not exist, check username and try again..
  • When an incorrect password is provided, the error 401 is returned with the message User provided incorrect password..
  • If the server encounters an error, the error code 500 is returned along with an object containing a message and specific error.

**Upon successful login, the server returns an object with a welcome message and a JSON Web Token. The decrypted token will look so: { "sub": 11, "username": "harry_potter", "first_name": "Harry", "last_name": "Potter", "role": "student", "iat": 1573928017281, "exp": 1573928053281 }

Retrieving Users

method Endpoint Data Sent Data Returned
GET /api/users JWT Token Array of all users
GET /api/users/instructors JWT Token Array of all instructors
GET /api/users/students JWT Token Array of all students

Header Configuration: { Content-Type: 'application/json', Authorization: token }

Each entry in an array represents a user and will look so: { id, username, first_name, last_name, role, classes** }

** As soon as class lists are implemented in the database, an array of classes the user is associated with will be returned inside the user object.

Adding a Test

method Endpoint Data Sent Data Returned
GET /api/users/test/:id Object containing test.
POST /api/users/test/add Object containing test n/a
PUT /api/users/test/:id object with test properties n/a
DEL /api/users/test/:id n/a

Example Test Object

The server will return a test object that looks so:

test_name: "NEW New Test for POST",
class_id: 2,
author_id: 1,
questions: [{
short_answer: false,
 text: 'Is this a new question?',
 answer: 'Yes',
 question_choices: [

   'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe'
short_answer: true,
 text: 'A majority of this project was written in what language?',
 answer:  "Javascript"

When making PUT requests for a test, the only properties in the test object need to be test_name, class_id, and author_id. The questions and answers will be updated using the methods below.

Updating Test Questions

method Endpoint Data Sent Data Returned
PUT /api/questions/:id question object n/a
DEL /api/questions/:id Data Returned

A question object can look so:

short_answer: false,
 text: 'Is this a new question?',
 answer: 'Yes',
 question_choices: [

   'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe'

Updating Test Answers

method Endpoint Data Sent Data Returned
PUT /api/answers/:id object with changes n/a
DEL /api/answers/:id n/a Data Returned

Updating the answer only requires a string be passed in the PUT request.

Adding Submission

method Endpoint Data Sent Data Returned
POST /api/users/test/answer/:id test object containing array of answers** n/a

**Must have same structure as test object from GET request.

Listing all classes

method Endpoint Data Sent Data Returned
GET /api/classes n/a Array of objects containing class information

example output

        "id": 1,
        "class_name": "Potions"
        "id": 2,
        "class_name": "Intro to React"
        "id": 3,
        "class_name": "Calculus"

Set user classes

requires instructor role

deletes user's old classes

method Endpoint Data Sent Data Returned
PUT /api/users/:id/classes Array of class ids Array of objects containing class information

example input

	"classes": [1, 2]

example output

        "class_name": "Potions",
        "id": 1
        "class_name": "Intro to React",
        "id": 2


No description, website, or topics provided.







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