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CodeStream Backend Services

On the backend (aka. the server-side), CodeStream runs a number of services to provide all the functionality needed for the clients. The default development environment will use the codestream broadcaster with outbound mail disabled.

Development Setup with docker-compose


  1. Mac or Linux computer using zsh or bash.

  2. Docker Desktop which we'll use to provide MongoDB.

  3. Make sure you are authenticated with vault!, i.e.

newrelic-vault us login -method=okta username=<username> totp=<otp>

  1. If you plan to enable outbound email, make sure you have a working AWS session to the CodeStream development account. If this requires use of the AWS_* environment variables and you plan to launch from the debugger, ensure they're defined in the appropriate block in .vscode/launch.json.


For local development we use docker compose to only run mongodb. You will need to run the api-server locally via your IDE or command line.

  1. Clone and setup faker-service-gateway. Faker service gateway will handle SSL and proxy requests to the api-server.

  2. Clone the codestream-server repo.

  3. Start up the docker container for MongoDB via docker compose.

    docker compose up mongodb -d
  4. Install dependencies

    npm run install:all

Mongo upgrade caveat

If you have been running mongodb 4 in docker compose you will need to delete the mongodb volume to get a clean start for mongodb 5, otherwise mongo will exit shortly after startup. This will delete all the data in your local docker mongodb instance.

docker compose down --volumes
docker compose up mongodb -d

With a fresh database you will need to run ./ -init-db-only before being able to run api-server from the IDE.

Method 1 - launch from shell and run natively

  1. Setup and start up the api-server without docker. The default behavior is to initialize the database and disable outbound email queueing.
    ./ [-init-db-only | -no-db | -enable-mailout | -mock-mode ]

Method 2 - launch from IDE

  1. Review the pre-reqs above to ensure you set any additional vars needed for your use case. .vscode/launch.json has some comments to help.

  2. Select any of the the api_srv.js run configurations from vscode or jetbrains.

Point your CodeStream extension to You should be able to login and see o11y.

Develop to your heart's content!!!! We love pull-requests.

Run everything in docker

Not working right now :(. Check back later.

Running Tests

As usual, make sure you are authenticated with vault.

Start the api server - use -mock-mode flag if needed

./ [-init-db-only | -no-db | -enable-mailout | -mock-mode ]

In a separate terminal, source (this will also set CS_API_MOCK_MODE=1)

. ./

then run the tests

cd api_server
npm run test