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πŸ€– Osmose Utility Bot

Version Issues License: MIT

Discord Bot made with Discord.js for Osmose Gaming Community. Using Slash commands, users can dynamically create voice channels (/chan), move people from one voice channel to another (/massmove), send a message when a specific event is occuring (watcher), etc. Warning : it was designed to be used on only one guild (server) at a time.

Table of contents

πŸ› οΈ Configuration

You can configure the application by copying the config.example.json and make your own config.json file. Variables with *** are mandatory. Here are the current available options :

Variable Default value Description
token* 'your-bot-token-goes-here' You must specify your bot token here
clientId* 'your-client-id' The identifier of your application (Application ID)
guildId* 'your-guild-id' The identifier of the guild you will use the bot on
logger* {} A list of configuration for logger
commands* Array A list of configuration for some commands
customStatus Array Configuration for Bot Discord status

πŸ“¨ Logger configuration

Variable Default value Description
enableLogs undefined Enable file logging. If you want to handle logs externally, put this value to false
logLevel 'info' Log levels, corresponding to Node.js levels : error, warn, info, verbose, debug
logPath './logs' Logs storage location
logFilename 'osmose-utility-bot-%DATE%.log' Logs filename pattern (daily logs)
zipLogs true Whether or not the app should zip the logs when the day is over

⌨️ Commands configuration

2 commands are available now : /chan for creating dynamic channels, /massmove for moving people from one voice channel to another. For the watcher module, there is not command to use, it's just watching events and sending some messages in various channels accordingly.

🎀 Voice channels creation

Variable Default value Description
categories* [] Identifier of parent category for channels to create. Default is the same category as the command in which you write the command.
categories[].parentCategory* undefined Identifier of parent category for channels to create.
categories[].exceptionChannels [] List of channels identifiers which are in the category but should not be removed automatically by the bot
categories[].timeout 86400000 Number of milliseconds before removing the voice channel after no one has been in it (default : one day)
categories[].bitrate 64000 Bitrate to put on the voice channel. If not specified, will be 64000 (64kbps).
categories[].limit 0 Limit of simultaneous channels created by the command. Default is unlimited.
categories[].randomEmoji false Whether or not you want to use random emojis depending on the period of the year as prefix for your voice channels.

πŸ‘€ Watcher

Variable Default value Description
guildMemberRemoveChannel null Identifier of the text channel in which the watcher will notify when users exit the server (leaved, kicked, banned)
guildMemberAddChannel null Identifier of the text channel in which the watcher will notify when there are new users arriving on the server
specialInvites {} List of special invite codes for new user on server notifications
guildMemberUpdateChannel null Identifier of the text channel in which the watcher will notify when users update their username on the server
userUpdateChannel null Identifier of the text channel in which the watcher will notify when users update their DiscordTag
exceptionUsers [] List of users identifiers who will not trigger "guildMemberUpdate" and "userUpdate" notifications
memberUpdateMessages [] List of template messages used when a user updates his username or DiscordTag
memberLeavedMessages [] List of template messages used when a user leaves the server
memberKickedMessages [] List of template messages used when a user is kicked from the server
memberBannedMessages [] List of template messages used when a user is banned from the server
adminUserUrl '' If you have a website to consult stats about users, it's the base url used with {{{memberUserId}}} for consulting their data

πŸ’¬ Custom Status configuration

Custom status module is used to put funny random statuses on the bot : watching a movie, playing a game, listening conversations, etc. You can used five categories for the status : LISTENING, WATCHING, PLAYING, STREAMING, COMPETING. Sentences are using templating, with some available variables using configuration : {{{GAME}}}, {{{MOVIE}}}, {{{ANIMAL}}}, {{{MEMBER}}}, {{{ADMIN}}}.

Variable Default value Description
list [] List of statuses, indexed by categories
games [] List of games (used in templating with {{{GAME}}})
movies [] List of movies (used in templating with {{{MOVIE}}})
animals [] List of animals (used in templating with {{{ANIMAL}}})
membersRoles [] List of discord roles identifiers used to retrieve members (used in templating with {{{MEMBER}}})
adminRole null Discord role identifier used to retrieve admins (used in templating with {{{ADMIN}}})
timeInterval 1800000 Time interval before switching to a new status in milliseconds (default : 30min)

πŸ’½ Installation

npm install
node deploy-commands.js
node index.js

πŸ‹ Docker


docker compose up -d


docker build . -t tekrop/osmose-utility-bot:latest
docker run -d \
	--name osmose-utility-bot \
	--volume /local_path_to_logs:/code/logs \
	--volume /local_path_to_config.json:/code/config.json \

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Technical details

For code syntax and style, I'm using Airbnb JS Style Guide ( I'm using Discord.js library, emoji-regex in order to be able to parse emojis, mustache for simple templating when displaying messages, and winston for logging.

🀝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check issues page.

πŸ“ License

Copyright Β© 2019-2022 Valentin PORCHET.

This project is MIT licensed.

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πŸ€– Discord Bot made with Discord.js for Osmose Gaming Community : create voice channels, massmove people, watch events, etc.






