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Customer churn prediction of telco provider

In this project we use this data from Kaggle. The main goal of the project is to predict whether a customer will change telco provider.

Overview of the data

The training dataset contains 4250 samples. Each sample contains 19 features and 1 boolean variable "churn" which indicates the class of the sample. The 19 input features and 1 target variable are:

  1. state, string. 2-letter code of the US state of customer residence
  2. account_length, numerical. Number of months the customer has been with the current telco provider
  3. area_code, string="area_code_AAA" where AAA = 3 digit area code.
  4. international_plan, (yes/no). The customer has international plan.
  5. voice_mail_plan, (yes/no). The customer has voice mail plan.
  6. number_vmail_messages, numerical. Number of voice-mail messages.
  7. total_day_minutes, numerical. Total minutes of day calls.
  8. total_day_calls, numerical. Total minutes of day calls.
  9. total_day_charge, numerical. Total charge of day calls.
  10. total_eve_minutes, numerical. Total minutes of evening calls.
  11. total_eve_calls, numerical. Total number of evening calls.
  12. total_eve_charge, numerical. Total charge of evening calls.
  13. total_night_minutes, numerical. Total minutes of night calls.
  14. total_night_calls, numerical. Total number of night calls.
  15. total_night_charge, numerical. Total charge of night calls.
  16. total_intl_minutes, numerical. Total minutes of international calls.
  17. total_intl_calls, numerical. Total number of international calls.
  18. total_intl_charge, numerical. Total charge of international calls
  19. number_customer_service_calls, numerical. Number of calls to customer service
  20. churn, (yes/no). Customer churn - target variable.

Methods used

  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Data Visualisation
  • Oversampling & Undersampling for Class Imbalance
  • Feature Engineering
  • Feature Selection
  • Cross Validation
  • Clustering
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Machine Learning
  • Hyperparameter Tuning


  • Python, Jupyter Notebook
  • Pandas, numpy
  • Seaborn, matplotlib
  • ImbLearn
  • Scikit-Learn (SkLearn), AutoSklearn
  • MLFlow
  • SHAP
  • XGBoost, LightGBM, Catboost
  • HyperOpt

Notebooks & Python Scripts

For simplicity, brief information on each Python file and each Notebook is given in the table below. For more complete information, you can look into them. The order is kept as it was developed and tried.

Notebook Description
Research First notebook with EDA and Data Visualisation
Preprocessing Python script with functions for Data Handling
Feature Engineering Notebook with experiments for feature engineering (all necessary engineering techniques were included in
KMeans Research Notebook with first clustering approach (fails)
KMeans + SVM Cluster as a feature + Support Vector Machine Classifier (no handling with imbalance)
Undersample + KMeans + SVM Undersampling technique + everything else as in above notebook
SMOTE + KMeans + SVM Oversampling and Undersampling techniques (SMOTE, SMOTETomek, SMOTEENN)
Logistic Regression SMOTE, SMOTEENN and no handling with imbalance with basic Logistic regression
SkLearn Models + XGB Different basic models and XGB were tried on SMOTEENN & SMOTE data (best so far is XGB with SMOTEENN)
AutoSkLearn Auto SkLearn implementation (works only in Google Colab)
Feature Selection Notebook with different feature selection techniques (final selection function was included in
XGB Tuning Tuning of xgb model, with the help of hyperopt for parameters and MLFlow for tracking
CatBoost Tuning Tuning of catboost model
LightGBM Tuning Tuning of lightgbm model
Train Final script for XGB model training and saving
Model Inference Final script for test data prediction (and save to submission.csv for Kaggle)


A lot of different models, methods, as well as frameworks were tried and used. The final score, accuracy, on Kaggle Platform is 0.88 both for public and private leaderboards.

To sum up, having such a result in real life, the company will save itself a lot of money by using the developed model.