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Command Line Productivity Suite


Use this repo to easily install a custom, cool and funky shell experience along with an awesome neovim and tmux config. This repo also carries a config file for the recommended Kitty terminal.

First, make sure you have the Catppuccin theme (with the Mocha configuration) for your terminal. Then, install a nerd font for your terminal. My recommendation is JetBrains Mono Nerd Font.

This suite has been tested on and works for x86-64 Debian, x86-64 Ubuntu, x86-64 MacOS, and Apple Silicon MacOS. (PS: MacOS should alreadt have brew installed.)


Get started by installing the minimum set of tools →

sudo apt install git zsh wget curl

If you're on MacOS, use this →

brew install git zsh wget curl

Next, install oh my zsh as follows →

wget 2>/dev/null && sh

Then, execute the following to install all other magic and enter the password whenever (if) prompted.

For Linux, use →

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

For MacOS, use →

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Finally, close the shell completely (close the terminal app or end the SSH session) and start a new instance.

Post Installation

  • tmux is installed by default with the above script. Use tt to launch a default session.
  • bat, an alternative of the cat command with colored output is also installed by default.
  • nvim is installed with NvChad configuration, but nvim needs a couple other small steps to get up and running smoothly →
    • First, run the Vim command :MasonInstallAll
    • Next, run Vim command :Lazy sync and once again run :MasonInstallAll
    • NeoVim doesn't allow setting a theme while headless, so use <space>+th and select catppuccin to match everything
  • Run cleanup as follows → rm && rm -rf fzf

PS: bat (maintainer-default) has pager enabled, which is disabled by the installation script using export BAT_PAGER='' within the rc-file. This can be re-enabled by deleting that line in .zshrc.

Bonus Tips

A handy shortcut in tmux added by the above scripts is Alt + \ to split into two vertical panes and Alt + Shift + \ to split into two horizontal panes. Focus can be navigated among the split panes by using Shift + <arrow keys>.

Pasting on modified zsh shell can be slow due to magic functions that oh-my-zsh installs. A quick fix is to comment those functions in ~/.oh-my.zsh/lib/misc.zsh. This is already done by this suite. If you need to re-enable this, simply uninstall the suite, restart your terminal and comment the necessary sed lines in the scripts before re-installing.

If something goes wrong or you you want to re-install, you can remove everything with the following command from the home directory and start from scratch again (i.e., the installation section, theme and font will be already configured) →

rm -rf .oh-my-zsh .fzf .fzf.zsh .tmux .tmux.conf .tmux-themepack .vimrc .viminfo .vim .config/nvim .local/share/nvim .zshrc


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