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This is a simple program which one can use to learn new words more efficiently.
This program is build with simple vanilla javascript in the frontend and python flask as backend.
Just click on any Synonym or antonym to find it's definitions and examples

Design looks obsolete because, I am not a designer, I am a developer!!


  1. firsly clone this repository
 git clone
  1. You should have python and javascript installed in your system.
  2. Install flask and ntlk
  pip3 install flask, ntlk
  1. Download wordnet in nltk, for this open a python program and run the following code
import nltk'wordnet')

Running the program

  1. First run the python program, that is your backend server
  2. run the html file, using live server


Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 9 35 26 AM

  1. In order to insert new word, click on the '+' button in the top right corner
  2. Then enter the word, it's definition it's synonyms and antonyms.
  3. Then click on the insert button
  4. The python program in the backend will automatically find the definitions and examples of all the synonyms and antonyms with the help of nltk corpus (word-net).

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 9 36 28 AM

It has different colors for every set of cards

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 9 36 50 AM

⚠️ incase of any wrong word insertion, or corruption of the updated_words.json just copy it from backup_words.json