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Testing Hero

Wilson Kurniawan edited this page Feb 6, 2019 · 4 revisions
  • Priority: High
  • Knowledge required: Back/front-end development/testing, testing patterns and methodologies
  • Status: Open, Recurring

Improve testing infrastructure and code coverage of existing code base.

  1. Improving code testability, e.g. refactoring the code to make testing easier.
  2. Optimizing performance of tests, e.g. covering more code using cheaper unit tests rather than integration/system tests.
  3. Improving test infrastructure, e.g. making it easier to write new tests, making tests less fragile, making test code easier to understand, adding mocking infrastructure.
  4. Improving test guidelines.
  5. Adding more unit/integration/system tests.

The project can concentrate on either back-end or front-end, or tackling both concurrently.