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Repository files navigation

Symfony 5 web application libraries

Getting started

To get it working, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository from github

If you have Docker installed

Init DataBase

  make init
  • run migrations
    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
    php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

if you don't want to work with an empty project, you can add data to the table

    php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Start the built-in web server

You can use Nginx or Apache, but the built-in web server works great:

php -S -t public
symfony server:start
Now check out the site at

What has not been done yet

  • not work docker container in use PHP-fpm, PHP-cli. Database is not connection for doctrine, with this config(PHP-fpm, cli, nginx).
  • create autoload OpenApi documentation