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Expenditure Data Analysis Project

Problem statement

No business can survive in this competitive market without managing their cost. It does not matter if revenues are high but if cost is higher it is a red flag. So you are tasked to help management in creating and establishing new structure and models to reduce cost. Do ETL : Extract-Transform-Load the dataset and find for me some information from this large data. This is form of data mining. The dataset as listed on NITI Aayog website from 1980_81 to 2015_16 What all information can be achieved by mining this data, would be brainstormed by the interns Find key metrics and factors and show the meaningful relationships between attributes. Do your own research and come up with your findings.


You can find the dataset on the given link


An Expenditure Data Analysis is the project related to Exploratory data analysis(EDA)and Data visualization of expenditure dataset from NITI Aayog of India. I used python libraries to get expenditure information, visualize different aspects of it, and finally I worked at a few ways of analyzing the spending of expenditure based on its previous performance history statewise in India. First extract dataset, prepared data, clean ,load and transform into Power BI desktop Then creating an interactive insightful dashboard and publish on novypro. To make prediction and better decision.


  • I would like to express my gratitude to all trainers and ineuron team.



  1. HLD
  2. LLD
  3. PPT
  4. Wireframe
  5. Architecture

EDA in Python

Exploratory Data Analysis and Data cleaning woth pandas profiling is shown by click given link:


To show live interactive dashboardd on NovyPro Click below link:


GitHub page


youtub demo video is here


Checkout the following links for more information


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