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here is the sql courses with examples



MS SQL, which stands for Microsoft SQL Server, is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It's a software program that allows you to store, organize, and access data efficiently.

How to download?

You can visit the official server of Microsoft SQL Server management Studio and install, For shortcut click here


Things to cover to master MS SQL:

Here I have mentioned the topics you need to cover based on their difficulty level. The levels are:

Basic Level:

In basic Level, you can learn to

  • create a new query and a table
  • Insert the data inside the table
  • Access the data from outside the database
  • Learn to display attributes and its elements from the table
  • Commenting the codes
  • Execute Individual Codes from the multiple queries
  • Where Statement, Group BY, Order BY


To complete the intermediate level, you should know the following topics:

  • Unions
  • Case statements
  • Updating/Deleting Data
  • Partition By
  • Data Types
  • Aliasing
  • Creating Views
  • Having vs Group by statement
  • Getdate()
  • Primary Key vs Foreign Key


  • CTEs
  • SYS tables
  • Subqueries
  • Temp Tables
  • String Functions (TRIM,LTRIM, Replace, Substring, Upper, Lower)
  • Regular Expression
  • Stored Procedures
  • Importing Dta fro, different file Types/Sources
  • Exporting Data to different file types

Let's Brake Down the individual levels

Basic Level

Creating new table

TO create a new table in MS SQL, you need to type CREATE TABLE [GiveTable Name]

After making table, give attributes,

CREATE TABLE [GiveTable Name]
( IDNumber int,
  FirstName charvar(50),
  LastName charvar(50),
  Age int)

You can replace the names of the attribute to any form(either string or integer) but should mentioned charvar(50) for string and int for integer.

SELECT and FROM clauses

SELECT clause specifies the columns from which data values are to be retrieved by the query where as FROM clause specify the table of the database. SELECT and FROM clauses always comes together in structured query language.

The basic syntax of SELECT and FROM clauses is:

SELECT [Attribute], [Attribute], ...., [Attribute]
FROM [TableName]


In SQL, select all can be performed by passing star(*) along with SELECT statement ie SELECT *.

For example: Suppose a table has attributes like, CustomerID, C_FirstName, C_LastName, C_ContactNo, C_Address then instead of choosing like SELECT CustomerID, C_FirstName, C_LastName, C_ContactNo, C_Address, we can simply perform SELECT *

Operators in SELECT clause:

  • MIN --> Gives minimum value from the selected column
  • MAX --> Gives maximum value from the selected solumn
  • COUNT --> count the similar data selected specified by GROUP BY clause
  • AVG --> gives average value from the selected caluse
  • SUM --> sum all the values of the targeted integer column
  • TOP --> Select the top and mentioned number of rows from the table (Same like head in pandas)
  • DISTINCT --> Helps to eleminate dublicated from the table

The above mentioned operators are used to filter the different variation of attributes of the data in a table. syntax:

SELECT [operator] ([attribute])
FROM [TableName]


INSERT INTO clause is used to insert the values of the attributes in a existing table. VALUE is passed along Table Name. While inserting the values the following syntax is passed:

([value of first attribute], [value of second attribute], ..... [value of Nth attribute]),
([value of first attribute], [value of second attribute], ..... [value of Nth attribute]),
([value of first attribute], [value of second attribute], ..... [value of Nth attribute])

Where Clause

WHERE caluse is a cluse which plays a vital role to specify the row while performing various task after passing a certain condition. It is mostly used during deletion, replacing, inserting values, and so on which is based on overall manipulation of data. WHERE clause helps us to make sure the selected row is ready to manipulate accourdingly.


FROM [TableName]
WHERE [AttributeName] = integer or 'Char' or 'String'

Alise for a column

Alise or alising or AS command is used to rename a column or table with an alias. An alias help to change the name of the column or tableName temperory and only exists for the duration of the query.

CASE Statement:

I found CASE statement is same like if/else statement in other programming language like python where WHEN and THEN statements are used instead. There should be at least a pair of WHEN/THEN to use CASE clauses. The CASE clauses always ends with END keyword.

To use to the CASE clause, the basic syntax is:

	WHEN JobTitle = 'Salesman' Then Salary + (Salary * 0.1)
	WHEN JobTitle = 'Technical' Then Salary + (Salary * 0.1)
	WHEN JobTitle = 'Driver' Then Salary + (Salary * 0.1)
	ELSE Salary + (Salary * 0.8)
END AS SalaryAfterRise


While talking about the HAVING clause, In MS SQL, the HAVING clause is used to filter groups of data after they have been aggregated using a GROUP BY clause. It works in conjunction with aggregate functions (like SUM, COUNT, AVG, MAX, MIN) to apply conditions to the results of the grouping.

The basic way of using this clause is:

Select JobTitle, AVG(Salary)	
From SQLProject.dbo.EmployeeDemoGraphics
Join SQLProject.dbo.EmployeeSalary
	ON EmployeeDemoGraphics.EmployeeId = EmployeeSalary.EmployeeID
Group by JobTitle
Having AVG(Salary) > 1
Order by avg(salary)

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