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iOS App Signing

Hawken Rives edited this page Feb 18, 2018 · 1 revision

When AAO and CARLS both break, and we get messages like

[22:35:37]: Certificate 'W9Z8388YTG' (stored in your git repo) is not available on the Developer Portal
[22:35:37]: for the user
[22:35:37]: Make sure to use the same user and team every time you run 'match' for this
[22:35:37]: Git repository. This might be caused by revoking the certificate on the Dev Portal

[!] To reset the certificates of your Apple account, you can use the `fastlane match nuke` feature, more information on

When that happens, it's usually because one app or the other ran fastlane match nuke.

Because each app has its own repo, and each app has its own provisioning profiles, and because match nuke clears all profiles from iTC, when one app nukes it wipes out the other's profiles too — but the other match doesn't know that, so the above error comes from (eg) CARLS looking for W9Z8388YTG when AAO's nuke wiped it out.

The solution to this, I have found, is to clone the appropriate keys repo and manually erase the profiles/ and certs/ folders from the HEAD. (They can stay in the history.)

Once you do that, the next run of fastlane match appstore will correctly generate new profiles for the problematic app.