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Scraped live data from NASA site to show real time visualization of different characteristics of Mars using BeautifulSoup and Splinter. Page performs fresh scrape of data each time page loads. Used Flask to launch site and visualizations.


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Mission to Mars!- Web-Scraping

Ever wonder what the conditions on Mars are right now? Well, look no further! I have created a summary website that shows relevant up to date information about the conditions on mars and other general fun facts. I scraped various NASA websites to offer a curated collection of data of the Planet Mars.

Mars Walk

Table of contents


To develop my scraping code, I used Jupyter Notebook. This allowed me to test the code in real time to see if the results were what I was looking for.

First, I imported my dependencies which included:

  • Splinter
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Pandas
  • WebDriver_Manager


I then connected to my Browser using executable_path


For my final code for scraping in Visual Studio I used the same dependencies.

Depend VS

Mars News

To find my “Mars News”, I used Beautiful Soup function soup.find . I viewed the web sites code through the “inspect” tool. With this tool, I was able to see that I need to call the class_="list_text” . withing that class, I need to add an additional specification and search for the class_="content_title” . This returned the latest news article headline on the Mars site. I used a similar soup.find search to find the correspond text summary of the headline.

Mars News JN

For my final code in Visual Studio looked similar:

Mars News VS

When viewed on the website, the scrape search displays below :

Mars News Web

Mars Image

In order to find the correct format of the main image on the Mars site, I had to add .click to my searches. I used browser.find to locate the part of the site I needed then add the .click( ) to the end of the search. I needed to click two times to find the actual location of the correct size image. Then I returned the url of the image as a variable.

Mars Image JN

My final code in Visual Studio looked similar:

Mars Image VS

When viewed on the website, the scrape search displays below:

Mars Image Web

Mars Facts

To find my Mars Facts table, I simply called the table from the site and converted it into an hmtl formate. To do that I used the pandas function to.html( ) . I tried to remove the index from my chart by added (index=False) at the end of my formatting, but it did not return the results I was looking for.

Mars Facts JN

For my final scrape code in Visusal Studio , I ended up removing the extra formatting of index-False) since it did not help my final table formatting.

Mars Facts VS

When viewed on the website, the scrape search displays below:

Mars Facts Web

Mars Hemispheres

To find images of the hemispheres of Mars, I needed to add a lot of .click to my code. Once I was able to scrape one Image name and image url, I then added the code to a for loop . This way I only needed to code the process one time, and then the for loop would run through it for each image.

I created a list which contains dictionaries of the image name and url to the image.

Mars Hems JN

The final code in the Visual Studio scrape looked the same.

Mars Hems VS

To view this nicely on the website, I created the images and titles as cards using bootstrap formatting.

Mars Hems Web

Scrape Summary

At the end of all of my scrape queries, I used browser.quit to stop running my Chrome browser I started in the initial set up.

Brower quit JN

Brower quit VS

To organize my data in a way to easily call to my flask , I added all of my results to a master dictionary.

Dictionary JN

Dictionary VS


To preform my data scaping in Flask I needed to use a file and import the below dependencies. I also imported my file.

App 1

Then I created a home route that would link to my mongo_db

App 2

I defined my scrape function as below and returned my called on my final mars dictionary I had created in my

App 3


To create my website to display my Mars Scrape, I used the below standard code and linked to bootstrap and my formatting style.css file. This is all included in the <head> .

HMTL head

At the top of the website page, there is a large button that initiates my .

Scrape Button

To make the final scrape results return in an organized format, I created each scrape return in a container and aligned the containers using the grid method. To reference the Mars News, I note the variables news_title and news_p on the website. To reference them, they need to be inside double curly brackets {{ }} .

News Container

To reference the mars image, I note the mars variable mars_image which is a url. To display an image from a url, you need to use the code

<img src="{{planet.mars_img}}" alt="ack" width="75%">

I added further formatting by sizing the image at width=75% . When previewing the image, it displayed nicely at this size on a full size monitor.

Image Container

The table is already formatted in .hmtl to view as a table so all I needed to do was reference the variable in {{ }} . The formatting was coming up with an error so I had to add |safe after the variable to display correctly.

Facts Container

The most complex display was the Mars Hemisphere images. I displayed them as cards which is a formatting from bootstrap . To do this, I had to call the images in my list/dictionary with a for loop in my index.html document in order to print each dictionary item inside a card. To do this, I referenced the dictionary and the part of the dictionary I needed. For example, for the title, I referenced hem_dict.title and for the url I referenced hem_dict.url - which also needed to be printed as an image.

I then referenced bootstrap documentation to display my 4 cards evenly in a grid but the code did not work on the final display. They are neatly in the container; but displayed in 1 row and not in a 4-grid.

Hem Container


I had trouble formatting my table, so I added a style.css to help. I was able to add a nice grid and hide the index on the left side. It is not as clean as I would have liked, but it still came out quite clear.





Sara Simoes


Scraped live data from NASA site to show real time visualization of different characteristics of Mars using BeautifulSoup and Splinter. Page performs fresh scrape of data each time page loads. Used Flask to launch site and visualizations.







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