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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'administrate_charts'

And then execute:

$ bundle


By default the gem will add a new Charts link in your administrate sidenav. You can choose the table, attributes and chart type to display in a graph.

  • Table list is pulled from the list of dashboards.
  • Attributes list is generated from the ATTRIBUTE_TYPES constants from the dashboards. Also we exclude the attributes that aren't real database columns. Associations are kept on the list.
  • You can choose between the following chart types: Pie, Bar, Column, Line and Area
  • The functions you can apply on the data are: count, sum, min, max and average

If for some reason you had to overwrite the views/layouts/admin/application.html.erb layout file in your project, you need to add <%= javascript_include_tag 'chartkickBundle' %> in it's head section.


Chart Form

Chart Form

Area Chart

Area Chart

Column Chart

Column Chart

Pie Chart

Pie Chart


After checking out the repo, run cp spec/dummy/config/database.yml.example spec/dummy/config/database.yml and configure the file, so you can run the tests using the dummy app.

After implementing the new feature, don't forgot to add it to the dummy app and add the proper tests for it. To run the tests bundle exec rspec.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.