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Elite:Dangerous Android Application

Brief.. ------------

Elite:Dangerous Android Application with 'sendkey' client/server feature

This was initially started as a little side project as I really wanted all the useful features from certain tools in one easy to use app. Since then it has continued to slowly grow and become more fleshed out ( and less buggy :) )

Current Features.. ------------ >* 'Android-to-PC Buttonbox' - This is a 24 button, user programmable keystroke sender (Battery Level % indicator in top right). Up to 6 consecutive keystrokes can be used within a sequence for each of the 24 buttons. Each keystroke can have one modifier key assigned (hold shift+key/hold control+key/hold alt+key) One button for deploying landing gear, another button to request docking, another for.... well , anything you want :) To use this feature, the accompanying Windows application is required... ED_Tool-server :
  • 'Rare Trading Route planner' - This is direct portal to up to 3 different selectable Rare trade route planning services.
    Choose between using eliteraretrader, elitedangeroustrader or services
    Fully interactive view, resizable/zoom with pinch, refreshable, back and forward navigation etc
  • 'Important Note Jotter' - This is a quick and easy to use note saver.
    Create new Notes, Open previously saved Notes, Delete saved Notes etc.
    notes are automaticaly reopenned on startup,
    any changes made to the note will then show that it has been edited and ask you if you want to save :) Lightweight and easy on the eyes
  • 'Calculator' - Well, This is a Calculator.
    Simple Calculator for calculating all those credits or working out how much you have just lost in battle
  • 'Galnet News Feed' - This is a direct full Galnet news feed, bask in it :)
    Newly updated from the old RSS realms, the Galnet news feed is a great source of information for the galaxy
    Fully interactive view, resizable/zoom with pinch, refreshable, back and forward navigation etc
  • 'Elite:Dangerous Subreddit' - This is a direct full portal to the Elite:Dangerous Subreddit.
    Fully interactive view, resizable/zoom with pinch, refreshable, back and forward navigation etc
  • Update Manager - Built In Automatic Update Checker, Downloader and Installer (Can be turned off in Settings).
    If enabled this will check for updates when the app is started (only if selected, and only if an internet connection is detected)
  • Backup Manager - Built In Backup and Restore Button Configuration Function.
    Complete Button Configuration Backup and Restore Feature
  • Feature Switch - Built In ability to show which Tab's/Features are shown in the app.
    Complete On/Off Switch for enabling/disabling App Features
  • Theme Manager - Built in Material Theme chooser.
    Ability to choose between an amount of pre-made Material app theme's
  • 'Settings' - Here we have the settings page for ED_Tool.
    Buttonbox buttons customization - Set each button's KeyPress actions.
    Set Buttonbox Server IP Address - Set the ED_Tool-server IP-Address (Is shown on ED_Tool-server application).
    Backup and Restore Button Configurations - Backup and Restore Manager for button configurations.
    Reset ALL Buttonbox button functions and names - Reset ALL button configurations back to defaults.
    Trade Route Planner Selector - Selector for changing which Trade/Route service to use.
    Turn Features On/Off Independently Selector - Selector for turning features on and off to reduce 'clutter' if that particular feature/fragment is not needed by a user.
    Auto Update Checker/Downloader/Installer - Update Manager for checking,downloading and installing application updates.
    Enable Immersive Mode/Fullscreen Mode - Set whether the application is to run in fullscreen immersive mode.
    Select App Theme [Custom Material Themes] - Select which Custom Material theme is desired

Planned Feature's.. ------------ >* Add More functions/keystrokes per button * Add more material themes
License.. ------------ >'ED_Tool' Copyright (C) 2015 'theFONZ'

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License for more details You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. See LICENSE in project root