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Dynomite on OpenShift as Statefulset

Dynomite ( is a distributed dynamo layer for redis and memcached hight availability. It is use to replicate each service with data and that's mainly what we need with OpenShift statefulsets.

Note: memcached is not tested at this time.

The project includes 2 docker images:

Both images are based on openshift/base-centos7 image to be able to start without any user rights problem on OpenShift.

Also, this images should be coupled with a Redis container that listens on 22122 port (invert of memcached port 11211).

So that Pod has got 3 containers, one for dagota (to send detected peers to dynoite), dynomite that is used as redis proxy, and redis that is the service to use internally. You should make a service to bind on dynomite port (6379) and not on 22122, keep in mind that dynomite is the entrypoint.

You can try example at

oc create -f
# or, without storage
oc create -f

Important You must use "dynomite:6379" (Service) from other pods to connect redis ! Don't connect to redis (22122).

Now you can try to SET/GET values:

$ oc run -it --name=redis-cli --image=redis --restart=Never -- bash
> redis-cli -h dynomite set foo "bar"
> redis-cli -h dynomite get foo
> exit

# then remove that pod
oc delete pod redis-cli --now

Notes to not break your init

  • Be sure that serviceName and SERVICE env var in statefulset are the same value as the Service name
  • Be sure that clusterIP in service is set to None
  • Check that redis is listening on 22122


  • Better dagota go code
  • Test memcached
  • Check why centos/redis-32-centos7 fails some connection while library/redis is ok
  • livenessProbe and readinessProbe
  • Volumes templates for redis