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jpswinski committed Jan 11, 2023
2 parents 3c93f89 + 586bf2c commit cc3788e
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Showing 2 changed files with 226 additions and 0 deletions.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions utils/
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@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
# Test for landsat stac server
import geopandas as gpd
import requests as r
import boto3
import rasterio as rio
import rioxarray
import os
from rasterio.session import AWSSession

def BuildSquare(lon, lat, delta):
c1 = [lon + delta, lat + delta]
c2 = [lon + delta, lat - delta]
c3 = [lon - delta, lat - delta]
c4 = [lon - delta, lat + delta]
geometry = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ c1, c2, c3, c4, c1 ]]}
return geometry

s3_cred_endpoint = {

def get_temp_creds(provider):
return r.get(s3_cred_endpoint[provider]).json()


if __name__ == '__main__':

stac = '' # CMR-STAC API Endpoint
stac_response = r.get(stac).json() # Call the STAC API endpoint

# for s in stac_response: print(s)

print(f"You are now using the {stac_response['id']} API (STAC Version: {stac_response['stac_version']}). \n{stac_response['description']}")
print(f"There are {len(stac_response['links'])} STAC catalogs available in CMR.")

stac_lp = [s for s in stac_response['links'] if 'LP' in s['title']] # Search for only LP-specific catalogs

# LPCLOUD is the STAC catalog we will be using and exploring today
lp_cloud = r.get([s for s in stac_lp if s['title'] == 'LPCLOUD'][0]['href']).json()
# for l in lp_cloud: print(f"{l}: {lp_cloud[l]}")

lp_links = lp_cloud['links']
for l in lp_links:
print(f"{l['href']} is the {l['title']}")

lp_collections = [l['href'] for l in lp_links if l['rel'] == 'collections'][0] # Set collections endpoint to variable
collections_response = r.get(f"{lp_collections}").json() # Call collections endpoint
print(f"This collection contains {collections_response['description']} ({len(collections_response['collections'])} available)")

collections = collections_response['collections']
# print(collections[1])

# Search available version 2 collections for HLS and print them out
hls_collections = [c for c in collections if 'HLS' in c['id'] and 'v2' in c['id']]
for h in hls_collections:
print(f"{h['title']} has an ID (shortname) of: {h['id']}")

l30 = [h for h in hls_collections if 'HLSL30' in h['id'] and 'v2.0' in h['id']][0] # Grab HLSL30 collection
for l in l30['extent']: # Check out the extent of this collection
print(f"{l}: {l30['extent'][l]}")

l30_id = 'HLSL30.v2.0'
print(f"HLS L30 Start Date is: {l30['extent']['temporal']['interval'][0][0]}")

l30_items = [l['href'] for l in l30['links'] if l['rel'] == 'items'][0] # Set items endpoint to variable
l30_items_response = r.get(f"{l30_items}").json() # Call items endpoint
# print(l30_items_response)
# l30_item = l30_items_response['features'][0] # select first item (10 items returned by default)
# print(l30_item)

# for i, l in enumerate(l30_items_response['features']):
# print(f"Item at index {i} is {l['id']}")
# print(f"Item at index {i} is {l['properties']['eo:cloud_cover']}% cloudy.")

lp_search = [l['href'] for l in lp_links if l['rel'] == 'search'][0] # Define the search endpoint
# lp_search is

# Set up a dictionary that will be used to POST requests to the search endpoint
params = {}

lim = 100
params['limit'] = lim # Add in a limit parameter to retrieve 100 items at a time.
search_response =, json=params).json() # send POST request to retrieve first 100 items in the STAC collection
print(f"{len(search_response['features'])} items found!")

# Bring in the farm field region of interest
field = gpd.read_file('/home/elidwa/hls-tutorial/Field_Boundary.geojson')
fieldShape = field['geometry'][0] # Define the geometry as a shapely polygon
bbox = f'{fieldShape.bounds[0]},{fieldShape.bounds[1]},{fieldShape.bounds[2]},{fieldShape.bounds[3]}' # Defined from ROI bounds
params['bbox'] = bbox # Add ROI to params
date_time = "2021-07-01T00:00:00Z/2021-08-31T23:59:59Z" # Define start time period / end time period
params['datetime'] = date_time
params['collections'] = l30_id

hls_items =, json=params).json() # Send POST request with datetime included
print(f"{len(hls_items['features'])} items found!")
hls_items = hls_items['features']

h = hls_items[0]
# print(h)

evi_band_links = []

# Define which HLS product is being accessed
# if h['assets']['browse']['href'].split('/')[4] == 'HLSS30.015':
# evi_bands = ['B8A', 'B04', 'B02', 'Fmask'] # NIR RED BLUE Quality for S30
# else:
# evi_bands = ['B05', 'B04', 'B02', 'Fmask'] # NIR RED BLUE Quality for L30

evi_bands = ['B05', 'B04', 'B02', 'Fmask'] # NIR RED BLUE Quality for L30

# Subset the assets in the item down to only the desired bands
for a in h['assets']:
if any(b == a for b in evi_bands):
for e in evi_band_links: print(e)

# The result of this seach is:
# create an s3 list
s3List = []

for e in evi_band_links:
# print(e)
s3path = e.replace("", "s3://")
# print(s3path)

for e in s3List:

if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser('~/.netrc')):
# For Githhub CI, we can use ~/.netrc
temp_creds_req = get_temp_creds('lpdaac')
# ADD temporary credentials here
temp_creds_req = {}

session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id=temp_creds_req['accessKeyId'],

# NOTE: Using rioxarray assumes you are accessing a GeoTIFF
rio_env = rio.Env(AWSSession(session),

for e in s3List:
if '.tif' in e:
da = rioxarray.open_rasterio(e)

47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Test for landsat stac server
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pystac
from pystac_client import Client

def BuildSquare(lon, lat, delta):
c1 = [lon + delta, lat + delta]
c2 = [lon + delta, lat - delta]
c3 = [lon - delta, lat - delta]
c4 = [lon - delta, lat + delta]
geometry = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ c1, c2, c3, c4, c1 ]]}
return geometry


if __name__ == '__main__':

stacServer = ""
LandsatSTAC =, headers=[])

for collection in LandsatSTAC.get_collections():

geometry = BuildSquare(-59.346271, -34.233076, 0.04)
timeRange = '2019-06-01/2021-06-01'

LandsatSearch = (
intersects = geometry,
datetime = timeRange,
query = ['eo:cloud_cover95'],
collections = ["landsat-c2l2-sr"] )

Landsat_items = [i.to_dict() for i in LandsatSearch.get_items()]
print(f"{len(Landsat_items)} Landsat scenes fetched")

for item in Landsat_items:
red_href = item['assets']['red']['href']
red_s3 = item['assets']['red']['alternate']['s3']['href']
# print(red_href)

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