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Slick-Pay payment gateway within Shopify payment methods.

Creating the payment method on the store

Creating payment method

After being logge-in your store dashboard, please go to Payments using your side menu : Settings >> Payments

From here, scroll down until Manual payment methods section, then click Add manual payment method then Create custom payment method.

Slick-Pay Shopify Create custom payment method settings

A window will appear with three fields, fill them out as follows:

  • Custom payment method name : Slick-Pay payment gateway
  • Additional details : On thank you page you will find the Pay now button, use it to proceed to your order payment.
  • Payment instructions : It's pretty simple ! All you have to do is to enter your payment card information, then proceed the payment.

Then click on the Activate button to confirm and save your new payment system.

Slick-Pay Shopify Create custom payment method modal

Add the online payment script

Once your new payment method has been created, please go to Settings >> Checkout, then scroll to the Additional scripts section and paste the script provided below which will display the button to redirect your customers to the payment gateway.

<script src="" integrity="sha256CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous">
     * Config vars
    const publicToken = ""; // Put your Slick-Pay public key gotten from your Slick-Pay website account
    const successUrl = ""; // Create static page from your Shopify dashboard
    const failureUrl = ""; // Create static page from your Shopify dashboard

     * Slickpay doing the job
    var buttonText = "Pay Now";
    const locale = "{{ checkout.locale }}";

    if (locale == 'fr') {
        buttonText = "Payer Maintenant";
    } else if (locale == 'ar') {
        buttonText = "إدفع الآن";


    function slickpayTransfer() {

        var data = {
            "amount": {{ checkout.total_price }} / 100,
            "firstname": "{{ checkout.customer.first_name }}",
            "lastname": "{{ checkout.customer.last_name }}",
            "phone": "{{ }}",
            "address": "{{ checkout.customer.default_address.summary }}",
            "email": "{{ }}",
            "items": [],
            "url": successUrl != '' ? successUrl : "{{ shop.url }}",
            "note": "shopifyID:{{ order_id }}"

        {% for line in checkout.line_items %}
            name: "{{ line.title }}",
            price: "{{ line.final_line_price }}",
            quantity: "{{ line.quantity }}"
        {% endfor %}

            url: '',
            data: JSON.stringify(data),
            type: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                "Authorization": `Bearer ${publicToken}`
        .done((response) => {

            if (response.success) {
                window.location.href = response.url;
            } else {
                window.location.href = failureUrl;
        .fail((error) => {
            window.location.href = failureUrl + "?error_code=" + error.status + "&description=" + error.responseJSON.message;

<div style="padding: 30px 0 10px; text-align: center;">
    <button style="padding: 15px 100px; background-color: #00a2ff; border-radius: 5px; color: #fff; font-size: 22px; font-weight: 600;" id="btn-slickpay" onclick="slickpayTransfer()" class="button__text">Pay Now</button>

Slick-Pay Shopify Additional scripts

NOTE: Don't forget to fulfil publicToken, successUrl and failureUrl variables values.

  • publicToken : Your public key availible from your Slick-Pay website account ;
  • successUrl : A static page url, that you have to create to redirect your customers to once payment successfully completed ;
  • failureUrl : A static page to redirect your customers to when an error occurs during the checkout process.

Creating custom Slick-Pay app

You have to create a custom application to allow Slick-Pay to update your store orders statuses once your customer payment ends successfully.

To do so, go to Settings >> Apps and sales channels.

At your right top screen, click on the Develop apps button then on the Create an app button.

You will see a window appear with three fields to fill in, fill them out as follows :

Slick-Pay Shopify Create an app

Then click on the Create app button to create a new application.

Now, we will configure the Admin API access scopes.

To do so, first, click on the recently created application Slick-Pay Payment Gateway, then go to the Configuration tab.

On the Admin API integration section of the admin interface click the Edit button.

Slick-Pay Shopify Admin API integration

Scroll down to the Orders section and then check both checkboxes: write_orders and read_orders.

Don't forget to click on the Save button at the right top screen.

Last step relating to your Shopify store settings, you have to copy the Admin API access token from the Slick-Pay Payment Gateway app administrator interface.

This option is available from the API Credentials tab of the Slick-Pay Payment Gateway app.

Click on the Show Once link to display the token, make a copy in a safe place, you will need it later.

Slick-Pay Shopify API Credentials

Setting up the Shopify integration from your Slick-Pay account

After logged-in to your Slick-Pay account, please enter your store url and the Admin API access token token as well.

Slick-Pay Shopify settings

More help


Slick-Pay payment gateway Shopify integration steps.






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