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TypeScript language server

Sergey Skorik edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 10 revisions


  1. Create workspace from the Node stack with nodejs-hello-world project.
  2. Enable TypeScript language server in the Installers tab and start the workspace.
  3. Create “Greeter.ts” file with content:
import {Print} from './testPrint'

class Greeter {
    greeting: string;
    constructor(message: string) {
        this.greeting = message;
    greet() {
        return "Hello, " + this.greeting;
     testPrint(): void {
        const printVar = new Print();
        printVar.print("test print");

let greeter = new Greeter("world");
  1. Create "testPrint.ts" with content:
let name: string;
export class Print {

print (setVAlue: string): void 

    name = setVAlue;
    console.log('<<:'+ name);

Testing process

  • Language server initialization
  1. From the project open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Check Finished language servers initialization, file path '/nodejs-hello-world/Greeter.ts' message in the dev-machine console.
  • Autocomplete feature
  1. Open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Add empty line after the code and type greeter.. Sent Ctrl+Space. Make sure that greet function and greeting field are present in the proposal panel.
  3. Delete the added line.
  • Find definition feature
  1. Open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Set cursor to 14:20 position and invoke Assistant -> Find Definition. The "testPrint.ts" file should be opened and print function should be selected.
  3. Close the "testPrint.ts" file. Repeat previous step using F4 key instead of Assistant -> Find Definition invocation.
  • Code validation feature, Comment line
  1. Open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Move cursor in 3:2 position.
  3. Add space into keyword class like: c lass. Make sure that error markers have appeared. Click on first marker and check the message like: Cannot find name 'lass'..
  4. Restore content. Error marker should disappear.
  5. Move cursor in line 1 position and comment this line by Ctrl+/ buttons.
  6. Check that text in line 1 was changed from import {Print} from './testPrint' to //import {Print} from './testPrint'.
  7. Uncomment this line by Ctrl+/ buttons.
  • Format code feature
  1. Open "testPrint.ts" file.
  2. Start Format option from context menu;
  3. Check that the file content after formatting was changed to:
let name: string;
export class Print {

    print(setVAlue: string): void {
        name = setVAlue;
        console.log('<<:' + name);



  1. Open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Select printVar variable.
  3. Start Rename feature by Shift+F6 or from Assistant menu.
  4. Type new variable name.
  5. Check that the variable name was changed.

Find References

  1. Open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Move mouse pointer on position 4:12.
  3. Start Find References feature by pressing Alt+F7 buttons or from Assistant menu.
  4. Check that Find References panel is opened with /nodejs-hello-world/Greeter.ts From:4:5 To:4:13 result in it.

Signature Help

  1. Open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Add empty line after the code and type greeter.testPrint.
  3. Type '(' symbol and wait for hover popup with testPrint(): void text.
  4. Delete added line.

Go To Symbol

  1. Open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Start Go To Symbol feature by Ctrl+F12 buttons or from Assistant menu.
  3. Wait for Go To Symbol form is opened with next lines:
"Greeter" symbols(9)
  1. Click on any of them and check that it correctly selected in file.

Find Project Symbol

  1. Open "Greeter.ts" file.
  2. Start Find Project Symbol feature by Alt+N buttons or from Assistant menu.
  3. Type print in Find Project Symbol form input.
  4. Wait for testPrint /nodejs-hello-world/Greeter.ts line.
  5. Click on it and check that it correctly selected in file.