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This repository contains an fork of Manuel Ariel Cáceres Reyes' implementation for the BlockTree data structure described here. Details of the implementation follow the experimental studies conducted in Reyes' MSc. thesis available here.

This fork is a refactor of the original code, with more documentation, altered variable/function naming and support for faster substring queries on uncompressed and compressed block trees. The bitmap-optimized block tree does not support substring queries at this point.

Installation Guide

First clone the repo:

git clone

This project is a CMake project. To build this project with some runnables you should do

cd MinimalistBlockTrees
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake .. # Issue: second cmake necessary to compile sdsl

You can add an executable by writing your file in the executables directory and add its name to the executables/CMakeLists.txt file, this adds the necessary libraries for you:



To use the commitlint config, make sure to run

npm i


This repository offers three executables to build, inspect or decompress block tree files.

build_bt takes an input file and some options and creates a compressed block tree file, with the block tree metadata and a .bt file ending added to the file name. For example:

./build_bt "my_file.txt" 2 128 2 16

This builds a block tree file called It will have an arity of 2, a root arity of 128 (potentially), a maximum leaf length of 2 and saving the first and last 16 characters of each block's represented string.

read_bt takes a block tree file as its input and decompresses it. The file name will have a .dec added to its name.

bt_repl takes a block tree file as its input and offers a REPL-like interface to extract data from it.

Usage Library

Let's suppose we want to build a BlockTree, so we do:

int arity = 2; // The arity of the BlockTree
int root_arity = 8; // The arity of the BlockTree's root block
int leaf_len = 16; // The length of the strings represented by the leaves of the BlockTree
bool process = false; // Whether the BlockTree should be immediately constructed (default=false)
bool rs_support = false; // Whether to build the BlockTree with rank/select support (default=false)

BlockTree* bt = new BlockTree(input, arity, root_arity, leaf_len, process, rs_support); // This creates the BlockTree object, a pointer-based implementation
bt->process_back_pointers(); // This method constructs the BackPointers in the BlockTree. Unncessary if process == true
bt->clean_unnecessary_expansions(); // This method removes the expansion of InternalBlocks that are unnecesary (this is also called pruning). Unncessary if process == true

In case you want to build the a more compact version but without theoretical guarantee, you can replace the last two lines with


.. now you have a proper (but still uncompressed) BlockTree answering access queries(bt->access(i)), if you want to give it bt->rank(c,i) & bt->select(c,j) support you should do:

for (int c: characters)

This is only necessary if rs_support was set to false before.

The above is a pointer-based, uncompressed implementation of BlockTrees, if you want to have a compact representation (using bitvectors to represent the tree) you should do:

CBlockTree *cbt = new CBlockTree(bt); // Builds a more compact BlockTree representation
cbt->select(c, i); // Rank/Select equires the source block tree to support rank/select!
cbt->size(); // Obtains the approximate size (in bytes)
cbt->serialize(out); // Serializes the tree to an output stream

CBlockTree *loaded_cbt = new CBlockTree(in); // Reads a CBlockTree from an input stream

If you'd like to build a bitmap over your input (or your input has a binary alphabet) you can build an (even) more compact representation specialized for bitmaps. Just supply it with a block tree, and the input symbol that should be considered to be a one.

// E.g. for a balanced parantheses sequence, the opening parenthesis is considered to be a 1 here
CBitBlockTree *cbbt = new CBitBlockTree(bt, '(');


... and never forget to delete your trash ;)

delete bt;
delete cbt;
delete loaded_cbt;
delete cbbt;


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  • C++ 98.8%
  • CMake 1.1%
  • Other 0.1%