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@analogrelay analogrelay released this 26 Jun 22:09
· 4 commits to dev since this release

IMPORTANT: Even though this version has incremented the minor version, this should be considered a patch release. There are no new features in this release, only bug fixes. The version number was changed in order to resolve a blocking issue. See below for more details

Updated packages are now available on!

Bugs Fixed

  • ScaleoutStore doesn't update MinMappingId properly, resulting in lost messages (#4121)
  • Version 2.2.3 has dll's with lower file version (#4090)

Why was the minor version bumped?

Short version: Our build system has some quirks and the easiest way to resolve it was to simply update the minor version.

Our build system produces version numbers of the following format: Major.Minor.Build.Revision. The Major and Minor tokens come from the major and minor version of the product (2.3 in this case). The Revision token is a sequence number. However the Build token (the third one) is generated based on the date in the following way: YMMdd:

  • Y is the number of years since the "start year" of the product, it's 1-based so the first builds were 1MMdd, a year later they had 2MMdd, etc. This number does not reset with each Major/Minor version bump
  • MM is the month of the year (01 is January, 12 is December, etc.)
  • dd is the day of the month

This year (2018) marks the 7th year of SignalR, thus the version number for 2.2.3 (the previous patch) was going to be something like the following: 2.2.7MMdd.1234. However, in Windows version numbers, each field is a 16-bit integer, and thus has a maximum value of 65535. So the build failed. In order to fix this, we reset the "start year" value so that new builds would be of the form 2.2.1MMdd.1234. However, there are already publicly released builds with version numbers like this. So in order to resolve this issue, we had to increment the minor version number, because 2.3.1MMdd is always considered newer than 2.2.6MMdd.