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ShodAND Scanner

Contains all the elements to quickly deploy a ShodAND Scanner.

It deploys pbscan over Docker and integrates the commander and it's dependencies.

The idea is to reach a wrapper that can process external messages (using Redis and zeromq), validate it and dispatch a pbscan exection.

So far, the result is fetched and returned to the requester.

Development in progress :)

1) Install it

Clone this repo:

$ git clone

Just start our composition:

$ docker-compose up

2) Use it

To interact with the system, use the commander tool from the host:

$ python ./shodAND-commander/ --host=localhost --receiver=tcp://localhost:9999 --command="pbscan -sB -p22,80,443 $IP/32"

This will trigger a request to commander with a pbscan execution

Old approach (Manually using Docker)

1) Install it

First, create the image:

$ bash

, this will create the image shodand/scanner

Finally prepare the instance of the scanner with:

$ bash

, this will create the container scanner

2) Use it

To start the container just start it:

$ docker start scanner

, this will ensure that the container is ready.

Later, attach a shell to interact with the scanner:

$ docker exec -it scanner bash

Once the scanner container is attached, play with the scanner:

(scanner) $ pbscan --help

3) Examples

Banner grab

Banner grab mostly used ports from $IP:

(scanner) $ pbscan -sB 80,443,22,53,8000-9000,9443,3000,5000 $IP


Send an initial HTTP request to $IP using -sH instead of -sB :

(scanner) $ pbscan -sH 80,443,22,53,8000-9000,9443,3000,5000 $IP


Send an initial TLS request to $IP using -sT instead of -sB :

(scanner) $ pbscan -sT 80,443,22,53,8000-9000,9443,3000,5000 $IP