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Project Planning and Requirements Gathering: The objectives and goals of the data warehouse project were overall sales and inventory reports to understand better our customers, what is being sold, what sells the most where and what sales the least. In summary the goal is to have a general overview of how the business is going.

Data Modeling: A data warehouse schema was designed, including dimensions, facts and the relationships between them. l determined how data from different source systems will be integrated and transformed to fit into the data warehouse model.

Data Extraction: Data was extracted data from source systems like flat files and MSSQL(Cloud SQL)

Data Transformation: The extracted data was cleansed, normalised, and transformed to ensure consistency and integrity. Data quality checks were performed to handle anomalies or discrepancies.

Data Loading: The transformed data was loaded into the data warehouse.

Data Storage: The data was stored in a structured manner optimized for querying and analysis. Appropriate storage technologies such as relational databases were utilized.

Metadata Management: Included on the GitHub repository is a workbook which documents data definitions, lineage, and relationships. This helps users understand the data available in the warehouse and facilitates data discovery and analysis.

Dashboard Creation: Created an interactive dashboard and visualizations using PowerBI to present key findings and insights in a clear and actionable format.