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Instructor: @katcosgrove, Email:


  1. Goto

  2. On that page, select Python3

  3. Click the gear icon on the left to open settings

  4. Change intend type to tab and indent size to 4

If you want, create an account and save the file as we try examples.

What should I bring?

Laptop or another device with good screen size so that typing programs, editing and debugging is easier.

What will be our focus?

This is a workshop to introduce Python as a programming language. As much as we would love to dive into the subjects of data science and web development, time constraints keep this intro class to the basics of the language. Stay tuned, we will touch upon Object Oriented Programming if we have time!

What should I be ready for?

Follow along, type code samples, do hands-on exercises. It will be fun!

See you soon!