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Footy Connect

The Footy Connect Social Media Blog application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js), Redux, and Material UI. The application serves as a platform for soccer enthusiasts to share their thoughts, engage in discussions, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates in the world of soccer.


-The Soccer Social Media Blog application includes the following features:

-User Authentication: Users can sign up and log in to their accounts. Authentication is implemented using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure access to protected routes.

-Create and Edit Posts: Users can create new posts, including text content, images, and tags. They can also edit or delete their own posts.

-Commenting: Users can leave comments on posts, promoting discussions and interactions among the community.

-Like Posts: Users can like posts, which helps in determining the popularity and engagement of each post.

-Search and Filter: Users can search for specific posts based on title or filter posts by tags, making it easier to find relevant content.

Technology Stack

-The Soccer Social Media Blog application is built using the following technologies:

-MongoDB: A NoSQL database used to store user data, posts, comments, and other relevant information.

-Express: A web application framework for Node.js used to build the server-side API endpoints and handle requests and responses.

-React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React is used to create the client-side of the application, including the UI components, views, and interactions.

-Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment that allows executing server-side code. Node.js is used to run the server and handle incoming requests.

-Redux: A state management library used to manage the application's global state, making it easier to share and update data across different components.

-Material UI: A popular React UI framework that provides pre-designed components and styling options for building responsive and visually appealing user interfaces.

Front-end set up

Running on localhost:3000

npm i && npm start

Back-end set-up

App is running on localhost:5555

nodemon index.js